Woman in Desired Environment

Lord, Anne (2002) Woman in Desired Environment. [Creative Work]

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In Anne Lord's series of works for people and their known environments, the combination of place and person investigates ideas about locality and character. This work about people in rural environments follows recent work exploring place in urban situations.

Research Statement

Research Background People Identity Place is a research-strength at JCU and as such the juxtaposition of images of people in their known or desired places and environments is important to signify both the impact of the place on the person and how the person interested in sustainability adapted to and adopted a place.
Research Contribution The presentation of this image for people and place in the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery broadens the dialogue for our connection to place and contributes to further understanding of how these people work in their environment and respect their place. The portrait or study of a person in their own place links Townsville's cultural space with the broader rural region and people in this part of Queensland.
Research Significance This investigation is important in relation to Queensland locations. This is one of six people depicted in relation to place, one that they are closely and intrinsically connected with. The image includes the place where they worked and lived. The work was created for an exhibition titled (W)ink 22 February - 21 April 2002 that was opened by Roger Butler, Senior Curator of Prints and Drawings at NGA.
Item ID: 19813
Item Type: Creative Work
Media of Output: Multi layered photoscreen print
Keywords: people and place, digital, screen prints and multi-layered images
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This work was exhibited at: (W)ink. An exhibition of prints by Rebekah Butler, Donna Foley, Jo Lankester, Anne Lord, Cheryl McGannon and Jill O'Sullivan, at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery , Flinders Mall, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 22 February - 21 April 2002.

Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2012 06:07
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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