Tobias and the Angel

McBurnie, Ronald (2009) Tobias and the Angel. [Creative Work]

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[Artist statement] In Tobias and the Angel, I have combined the motif of the river with narrative elements drawn from an etching by the Dutch 17th century artist Hendrik Goudt. Unlike Goudt's Tobias, mine appears with a fishing rod rather than a staff, but the angel Gabriel is still present and continues to watch over him as he completes the mission to cure his father's sight.

Research Statement

Research Background The development of artists’ interpretation of romanticism through landscape in painting and printmaking has played an important role in our understanding and interpretation of nature and our sense of the sublime. This research continues to add to this rich tradition through the artist’s direct response to chosen landscape sites in a direct en plein air approach to gathering information in combination with visual references to other historical landscape images.
Research Contribution This etching addresses the question of an interpretation and representation of landscape through the stimulus of direct and concentrated observation of nature in combination with visual art historical records as tropes for a secondary source of memory. In doing so it arrives at a visual narrative which both speaks about the particular landscape site as well as to link it to aspects of chosen important moments in the tradition of the romantic landscape. This combination of ideas adds to this rich tradition of romanticism through landscape.
Research Significance The significance of this research is that it adds to the rich tradition of visual narrative through gathering and distilling information using en plein air drawing in combination with historical referencing. Its value is attested by the following indicators: Metal as Anything Exhibition on tour, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, 2009-2012, Tableland Regional Gallery, Gympie Regional Gallery, Stanthorpe Regional Gallery, Toowoomba Regional Gallery, Wagga Wagga Gallery. Metal as Anything- Exhibition Catalogue, Foreword Francis Thomson, Introduction Roger Butler, Essays, Sasha Grishin and Robin Wallace Crabbe, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, 2009 ISBN 0-9578987-7-0
Item ID: 19754
Item Type: Creative Work
Media of Output: Hard ground etching, 59 x 89.5cm.
Keywords: printmaking, etching, romantic, McBurnie
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Additional Information:

This work featured in the exhibition "Metal as anything" at the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery (Townsville) from the 26 June - 16 August 2009. For links to this please see the Related URLs field.

Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2012 06:13
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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