Referencing Piranesi

Brown, (Gordon) James (2011) Referencing Piranesi. [Creative Work]

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This exhibition (a component of the SoCA 2011 staff show titled "Staff Show") consists of nine artworks—a sculpture, an oil painting, an ink drawing on copper laminated canvas and five ink drawings on paper. Augmenting these artworks is a book display designed to showcase the stylistic attributes of the Le Carceri [The Prisons] prints by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778).

By intention, the book display contextualises the nine artworks in the sense that the images of Piranesi’s prints in the opened books invites the gallery visitors to compare Piranesi’s stylistic approach to image making with the approach of a contemporary North Queensland artist.

Research Statement

Research Background This exhibition is part of my ongoing interest in establishing connections between my art practice as a North Queenslander and its historical pedigree with early European and English artists.
Research Contribution This exhibition offers a conceptual platform for showcasing points of difference and congruence between past and present creative practices. In the accompanying artist statement for the exhibition some of these connections are explained.
Research Significance This exhibition is significant (especially to the SoCA student illustrators) as it is a practical demonstration of how theory can be drawn into practice. Beyond displaying some of the rendering style features of the referenced artist (Piranesi) the exhibition also showcases how a rendering style can be revitalised by use of unusual materials, formats, current motivations and practices.
Item ID: 19365
Item Type: Creative Work
Media of Output: art exhibition
Event Details: Staff Show (Referencing Piranesi)
eMerge Media Space, School of Creative Arts
28th April to 13th May 2011
Keywords: staff exhibition; painting; sculpture; drawing; Piranesi
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Additional Information:

This exhibition is a component of the 2011 SoCA staff show held at the eMerge Media Space

Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2011 23:32
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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Last 12 Months: 8
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