Lecturing as performance? beyond the traditional theatre

Errington, Ed (1995) Lecturing as performance? beyond the traditional theatre. In: Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) (18) pp. 290-295. From: HERDSA 95 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia: Higher Education: Blending tradition and technology , 4-8 July 1995, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia.

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There is a growing literature where 'theatre' and 'drama' metaphors are employed to describe and explain roles people play and perform in everyday life. Within higher education, it is not unusual for lecturers to use theatrical parlance to describe their work. This paper has two aims: the first is to explore the characteristics of neoclassical and liberal progressive lecturers (using theatrical constructs). The second aim is to outline the possibilities of a more socially critical approach to the lecture 'theatre' and addresses some of the problematic features of lecturing as performance.

Item ID: 15327
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
ISSN: 0156-8884
Keywords: neoclassical, liberal progressive, socially critical, lecturing as performance
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