Impacts of a large-scale flood event on sub-tropical intertidal seagrass meadows

McCormack, Catherine, Chartrand, Katie, and Rasheed, Michael (2012) Impacts of a large-scale flood event on sub-tropical intertidal seagrass meadows. In: Coast to Coast 2012: living on the edge: program and abstract book. p. 73. From: Coast to Coast 2012: Living on the Edge, 17-21 September 2012, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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Long term monitoring of coastal seagrasses in the Port of Gladstone has provided the opportunity to better understand the impacts of extreme weather events on these marine plant communities. We studied the effects of a large-scale flood event in the summer of 2010-2011on seven intertidal seagrass meadows at Gladstone Harbour on the central east coast of Queensland. Significant declines in percent cover and above-ground biomass were recorded at several meadows following the weather event with some meadows yet to recover to pre-flood levels by early 2012. Seagrass condition, assessed quarterly and more recently monthly from November 2009 (and biannually from 2005 for some locations), was tested against potential drivers (rainfall, river flow, PAR, temperature and tidal exposure) using multiple linear regression analysis. We present the results from this analysis. We also present results of an investigation of the capacity for meadow recovery from a below ground seed bank.

Item ID: 45222
Item Type: Conference Item (Abstract / Summary)
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Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2016 01:22
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