Funky Thursday

Salisbury, David (2012) Funky Thursday. [Creative Work]

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This is the fourth of a series of seven pieces that focus on each day of the week. Funky Thursday is due to a continued interest in the genre of funk. This piece is based on the chord progression from Miles Davis' tune "All Blues". The piece starts with drums and bass.

Research Statement

Research Background The formulation of the big jazz band, dominated the jazz music from the early 1920s until the late 1940s. Big bands gradually grew in size, and by the early 1930s most were carrying 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 3 or 4 saxophones, and a four-piece rhythm section. The expansion meant that the trombones could be treated autonomously (Collier J. L., 2007). The basic configuration currently is called a 7 & 5 big band; meaning seven brass and five saxophones with a full rhythm section constituting a 16-piece ensemble. A common addition is a fourth trombone (bass trombone) bringing the total number to 17.
Research Contribution This piece represents an in-depth exploration of this instrumental combination and form. The contrast of the brass section with the woodwind section represents an opportunity to delve into the range and colour of the instruments as well the instrumentalist's ability to perform various technical aspects in the music.
Research Significance This composition utilizes a modern harmonic approach with an emphasis on jazz harmonic structures. There is a deliberate effort to de-emphasise diatonic harmonic conventions. In addition this piece explores the colour combination of instruments as a section and in various pairing combinations such as Trumpet and Saxophone.
Item ID: 21929
Item Type: Creative Work (Recorded/Rendered Work - Audio/visual recording - NTRO)
Media of Output: Digital recording
Keywords: Big Band, Jazz, Composition
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2012 23:49
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing > 190406 Music Composition @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950101 Music @ 100%
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