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Number of items at this level: 98.


Thorley, Craig, Beaton, Lara, Deguara, Phillip, Jerome, Britanny, Khan, Dua, and Schopp, Kaela (2020) Misinformation encountered during a simulated jury deliberation can distort jurors' memory of a trial and bias their verdicts. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 25 (2). pp. 150-164.

Holland, Claire, and Hoyer, Tina (2020) A case for coaching: influencing cultural change at the ATO. Dispute Resolution Review, 1.

Holland, Claire, and Mo, Amaya (2019) Creating the leaders of the future – we need to broaden our focus on soft skill development in order to achieve organisational success. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network, 27 September 2019.

Hoyer, Tina, and Holland, Claire (2019) A case for coaching: influencing cultural change at the ATO. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network, 06 September 2019.

Holland, Claire, and Taylor, Donnalee (2018) Hopeful perspectives: incorporating hope theory in Australian law students' academic experience. James Cook University Law Review, 24. pp. 47-60.

Holland, Claire, and Taylor, Donnalee (2016) Was that said with a smile?: factors influencing effective online negotiations. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 27. pp. 103-110.

Herrmann, Judith, and Holland, Claire (2016) Co-creating mediation models to meet cultural needs: two trainers' perspectives. Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Blog, 26 September 2016 . pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Linking the Tōkyō Emissions Trading Scheme. Journal of Japanese Law, 20 (39). pp. 169-198.

Kidd, Garry, and Place, Chantelle (2014) Effects of gender and sexual orientation on perceptions towards victims of child sex abuse. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2 (3). pp. 367-373.

Dabner, Justin (2013) Proposed amendments to Pt IVA highlights its conceptual flaws. CCH Tax Week, 01 March 2013 (8). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2013) [Paragraph 161] Proposed amendments to Pt IVA highlight its conceptual flaws, 01 March 2013. CCH Tax Week, 2013 (8).

Dabner, Justin (2013) [Paragrah 30] Bankers celebrate with Veuve at the Inter-Continental and then dine at Café Sydney. CCH Tax Week, 2013 (2).

Surbey, Michele K. (2011) Adaptive significance of low levels of self-deception and cooperation in depression. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32 (1). pp. 29-40.

Turton, David (2010) Wading in: environmental governance and Queensland's Clean Waters Act 1971. James Cook University Law Review, 17. pp. 46-82.

Dabner, Justin (2008) [Paragrah 1105] CGT and non-residents: the saga continues. CCH Tax Week, 2008 (49).

Dabner, Justin (2008) High Court revises rules on challenging the validity of an assessment. CCH Tax Week, 23 October 2008 (42). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2008) Murdoch case: a lesson in obtaining timely "right" advice. CCH Tax Week, 07 August 2008 (31). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (2008) The Australian Tax Office/Tax Profession Partnership: lessons from a pilot interview program. Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation policy, law and reform, 23 (1). pp. 29-48.

Dabner, Justin (2008) Day's case illustrates inadequacies of general deduction provision. CCH Tax Week, 21 February 2008 (7). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin, and Burton, Mark (2007) You and the tax office. CCH Tax Week, 30 August 2007 (34). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (2007) Beware the pirates' code. CCH Tax Week, 05 July 2007 (26). pp. 1-4.

Davies, Chris (2006) Criminal law and assaults in sport: an Australian and Canadian perspective. Criminal Law Journal, 30. pp. 151-158.

Secher, Ulla (2006) The doctrine of tenure in Australia post-Mabo: replacing the 'feudal fiction' with the 'mere radical title fiction' - Part 1. Australian Property Law Journal, 13 (2). pp. 107-139.

Secher, Ulla (2006) The doctrine of tenure in Australia post-Mabo: replacing the 'feudal fiction' with the 'mere radical title fiction'-part 2. Australian Property Law Journal, 13 (2). pp. 140-178.

Middleton, Tom (2005) The High Court's decision in Rich v ASIC [2004] HCA 42 and its potential impact upon ASIC's disqualification orders, banning orders and oral examinations. Company and Securities Law Journal, 23 (4). pp. 248-263.

Dabner, Justin (2005) There are too many witchdoctors in our tax courts: is there a better way? Revenue Law Journal, 15 (1). pp. 36-49.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Exposing the limits of Part IVA. CCH Tax Week, 09 December 2004 (48). pp. 1-3.

Secher, Ulla (2004) The reception of land law into the Australian colonies Post-Mabo: the continuity and recognition doctrines revisited and the emergence of the doctrine of 'continuity pro-tempore'. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 27 (3). pp. 703-735.

Dabner, Justin (2004) So just what did Hart decide: Macquarie Finance. CCH Tax Week, 18 November 2004 (45). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Why we must replace Pt IVA: a suggestion for reform. CCH Tax Week, 21 October 2004 (41). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2004) An update on the OECD's harmful tax practices project. CCH Tax Week, 14 October 2014 (October). pp. 1-6.

Dabner, Justin, and Burton, Mark (2004) Hart: the death of tax planning? CCH Tax Week, 24 June 2004 (24). pp. 1-5.

Middleton, Thomas (2004) ASIC's investigation and enforcement powers - current issues and suggested reforms. Company and Securities Law Journal, 22 (8). pp. 503-530.

Dabner, Justin (2003) PSI rules before the tribunal. CCH Tax Week, 20 March 2003 (11). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (2003) Interest deductibility post business cessation. CCH Tax Week, 06 March 2003 (9). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2003) Interest deductibility post business cessation: the commissioner rules. CCH Tax Week, 06 March 2003 (9). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2003) Part IVA: the year that was. CCH Tax Week, 13 February 2003 (6). pp. 1-6.

Dabner, Justin (2003) New Zealand proposals for the taxation of foreign investment: a view from across the Tasman. New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 9 (3). pp. 261-266.

Middleton, Tom (2003) The difficulties of applying civil evidence and procedure rules in ASIC's civil penalty proceedings under the Corporations Act. Company and Securities Law Journal, 21 (8). pp. 507-529.

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda (2002) 'A burger with the works please, hold the prions!': could statutory importation authorities be liable in torts if vCJD occurs in Australia? Griffith Law Review, 11 (2). pp. 377-407.

Dabner, Justin (2001) The pain of Payne. Taxation in Australia, 35 (10). pp. 545-548.

Dabner, Justin (2000) Guy & Brooks: more problems for interpreting ITAA 97. CCH Tax Week, 11 August 2000 (32). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2000) Draft ruling on interest deductibility: an exercise in damage control. CCH Tax Week, 04 May 2000 (18). pp. 1-4.

Dabner, Justin (2000) The spin of a coin: in search of a workable GAAR. Journal of Australian Taxation, 3 (3). pp. 232-252.

Dabner, Justin (1999) Tax roulette: Kerry Packer style. CCH Tax Week, 30 October 1999 (44). pp. 1-6.

Dabner, Justin (1999) Interest deductibility: Brown's case - a dialogue with the ATO. The Tax Specialist, 3 (2). pp. 101-105.

Dabner, Justin (1999) Interest deductibility: more fine distinctions. CCH Tax Week, 02 July 1999 (27). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (1999) The Commissioner of Taxation v Montgomery: an opportunity lost. Journal of Australian Taxation, 2 (6). pp. 433-436.

Dabner, Justin (1999) Interest deductibility: Australia and Canada compared. Journal of Australian Taxation, 2 (3). pp. 172-190.

Dabner, Justin (1998) A case of the tall poppy syndrome? CCH Tax Week, 30 October 1998 (49). pp. 1-6.

Dabner, Justin (1998) Lease incentives: where do we stand now? Tax Specialist, 2 (1). pp. 29-37.

Dabner, Justin (1998) Interest deductibility: the saga continues. CCH Tax Week, 31 July 1998 (35). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (1998) More problems with the ruling system. CCH Tax Week, 01 May 1998 (17). pp. 1-3.

Dabner, Justin (1998) Lease incentives and the gain theory of income. Journal of Australian Taxation, 1 (2). pp. 136-150.

Dabner, Justin (1996) Are taxation incentives designed to attract regional corporate headquarters likely to be effective? International Trade and Business Law, 2 (2). pp. 21-65.

Dabner, Justin (1994) Dear Mr Treasurer, re: part IIIA and the cost base - application in an unexpected manner. Australian Tax Review, 23 (4). pp. 189-204.

Dabner, Justin (1994) Forever foreign? Taxation in Australia, 29 (2). pp. 81-84.

Dabner, Justin (1994) Insolvent trading: recent developments in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Bond Law Review, 6 (1).

Dabner, Justin (1994) Insolvent trading - an international comparison. Corporate and Business Law Journal, 7 (1). pp. 49-106.

Dabner, Justin (1994) Trading whilst insolvent: a case for individual creditor rights against directors. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 17 (2). pp. 546-576.

Dabner, Justin (1992) Capital gains tax: opening a Pandora's box. Taxation in Australia (Red Edition), 1 (2). pp. 70-77.

Dabner, Justin, and Burton, Mark (1992) Part IVA: walking the dog. Taxation in Australia, 26 (11). pp. 607-614.

Dabner, Justin (1992) Commercialisation: a tax perspective. Australian Tax Forum, 9 (3). 305.

Dabner, Justin, Burton, Mark, and Neal, Luke (1992) Controlling the Tax Commissioner's powers of investigation. Policy, 8 (4). pp. 2-7.

Dabner, Justin (1991) Capital gains tax: a fallacy unfolds. Taxation in Australia, 25 (9). pp. 673-677.

Conwell, Ray, Dabner, Justin, and Glover, Paul (1991) The commissioner's discretion's and indiscretions. Policy, 7 (4). pp. 7-11.

Dabner, Justin (1990) The first part IVA cases and rulings: the worst fears realized. Taxation in Australia, 24 (9). pp. 665-673.

Dabner, Justin (1989) Aspects relating to the preparation of tax effective wills. Taxation in Australia, 24 (3). pp. 155-162.

Dabner, Justin (1988) Directors' duties: the schizoid company. Company and Securities Law Journal, 6 (2). pp. 105-115.

Dabner, Justin (1987) Service trusts: the relevance of the medical practioner cases. Australian Tax Review, 16 (3). pp. 170-174.

Dabner, Justin (1987) Tax planning for professional people - what remains after the unholy trinity. Taxation in Australia, 21 (8). pp. 568-572.

Book Chapter

Holland, Claire, and Taylor, Donnalee (2019) Hopeful perspectives: incorporating hope theory in Australian law students' academic experience. In: Marychurch, Judith, and Sifris, Adiva, (eds.) Wellness for Law: making wellness core business. LexisNexis.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Division 16K: effect of buy-backs of shares. In: Reilly, Jerry, (ed.) Australian Income Tax 1936 Commentary. Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA.

Petherick, Wayne, and Sinnamon, Grant (2013) Motivations: offender and victim perspectives. In: Petherick, Wayne, (ed.) Profiling and Serial Crime: theoretical and practical issues. Elsevier, MA, USA, pp. 393-430.

Reynolds, Henry (2013) Property, sovereignty and self-determination in Australia. In: Larmour, Peter, (ed.) The Governance of Common Property in the Pacific Region. Australian National University E Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 123-126.

Surbey, Michele K. (2011) A brief narrative on development, subconscious processes, mating behaviour, and history of evolutionary psychology. In: Wang, Xiao-Tian, and Su, Yan-Jie, (eds.) Thus Spake Evolutionary Psychologists. Peking University Press, Beijing, China, pp. 167-177.

Dabner, Justin (2005) Commentary on 108-A of ITAA 1997: CGT asset rules. In: Murray-Jones, Ian, (ed.) Australian Tax Practice. Thomson Legal and Regulatory, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia, - .

Fiddick, Larry (2004) Natural law and natural selection: deontic reasoning as part of evolved human nature. In: Crawford, Charles, and Salmon, Catherine, (eds.) Evolutionary Psychology, Public Policy and Personal Decisions. Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, New Jersey, USA, pp. 169-194.

Dabner, Justin (2003) Commentary on Division 220 of ITAA 1997: Trans-Tasman triangular imputation. In: Murray-Jones, Ian, (ed.) Australian Tax Practice. Thomson Legal and Regulatory, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia, - .

Conference Item

Holland, Claire (2019) Measuring hope: levels of hope in Australian law students experience. In: [Presented at the Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable]. From: Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable, 9-10 December 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Holland, Claire, and Hoyer, Tina (2019) A case for coaching: how to measure the effectiveness of the ATO coaching model? In: [Presented at the Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable]. From: Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network Roundtable, 9-10 December 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Resolving Australian tax controversies of the future: does the European convention on human rights suggest a better way? In: Annual Tax Research Network Conference. From: 24th Tax Research Network Conference, 9-10 September 2015, Hull, United Kingdom.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Japanese tax mission 2015: Australian tax practice. In: Japanese Tax Mission. From: Japanese Tax Mission, 19-25 September 2015, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Resolving Australian tax controversies: does the tax jurisprudence under the European Convention on human rights suggest a better way? In: Presentations from the 24th Annual Tax Research Network Conference. From: 24th Annual Tax Research Network Conference, 9-10 September 2015, Hull, UK.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Three ways to skin a cat: fiscal responses to climate change: Australia, California and Tokyo compared. In: Presentations from the The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference. From: SLS 2016: The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference: legislation and the role of the judiciary, 1-4 September 2015, York, UK.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Fiscal responses to climate change in Australia: a comparison with California. In: Presentations from the 2015 Law and Society Association Annual Conference. From: 2015 Law and Society Association Annual Conference, 28-31 May 2015, Seattle, WA, USA.

Dabner, Justin (2015) The Australian and Tokyo Emissions Trading Schemes: two ways to skin a cat. In: [Presented at the Sydney-Tokyo Tax Conference 2015]. From: Sydney-Tokyo Tax Conference 2015, 16-17 February 2015, Tokyo, Japan.

Dabner, Justin (2015) Taxpayer protection under the European Convention on human rights: lessons for Australia? In: Presentations from the 2015 Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference. From: ATTA 2015: Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference, 19-21 January 2015, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2011) Trials and tribulations in teaching tax law: tax it's much more than numbers! In: Presentations from the 23rd Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference. From: 23rd Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference, 19-21 January 2011, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. (Unpublished)

Dabner, Justin (2010) Undertaking empirical tax research: a personal experience. In: [Presented at the Inaugural Queensland Tax Teachers' Symposium]. From: The Inaugural Queensland Tax Teachers' Symposium, July 2010, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2010) Government tax changes and the Henry proposals: the good, the bad and the ugly for SMEs. In: Presentation to the Cairns CPAs. pp. 1-6. From: Presentation to the Cairns CPAs, June 2010, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2008) Healthy Eco-systems: the ATO and the practitioner - developing a working model. In: [Presented at the 2008 North Queensland Convention of the Taxation Institute of Australia. From: Tax Safari, 16 May 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Dabner, Justin (2004) Locational considerations in attracting multinational coporate regional headquarters: the relevance and role of tax law and tax incentives. In: [Presented at the Asian Law Institute Inaugural Conference]. pp. 1-12. From: Asian Law Institute Inaugural Conference, 27-28 May 2004, Singapore.

Dabner, Justin (2002) The taxation of Investment funds in Australia. In: [Presented at the Meeting of the Institute of Legal Studies]. pp. 26-48. From: Meeting of the Institute of Legal Studies, 2002, Osaka, Japan.


Barry, Michael, Skinner, James, and Engelberg, Terry (2016) Research Handbook of Employment Relations in Sport. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.


Emonson, Rhonda Maree (2019) Preparing for family dispute resolution in regional Australia: exploring the experiences of parents, family dispute resolution practitioners and lawyers. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Loban, Heron (2018) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and consumer law. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Middleton, Thomas H. (2007) A proposal for a uniform Australian regulatory model. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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