Browse by ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective codes
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- SEO Codes (55566)
- 8302 Fisheries - Wild Caught (615)
- 830207 Wild Caught Tuna (14)
- 8302 Fisheries - Wild Caught (615)
Arias, Adrian, and Pressey, Robert L. (2016) Combatting illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing with information: a case of probable illegal fishing in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. 13.
Anderson, Cynthia M., Aparicio, Gallego J., Atangana, Alain R., Beaulieu, Jean, Bruford, M.W., Cain, Forrest, Campos, T., Cariani, A., Carvalho, M.A., Chen, Nan, Chen, P.P., Clamens, A-L., Clark, Ann M., Coeur D'Acier, A., Connolly, Paul, Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo, Coughlan, James P., Cross, Thomas S., David, Bruno, De Bruyn, Colin, De Meyer, M., De Ridder, Chantal, Delatte, H., Dettori, M.T., Downer, S.J., Dubreuil, Christine, Evans, K.J., Fan, Bin, Ferrara, G., Gagné, André, Gaillard, Maria, Gigliarelli, L., Giovinazzi, J., Gomez, D.R., Grünwald, N.J., Hansson, Bengt, Huotari, T., Jank, L., Jousselin, E., Jungmann, L., Kaczmarek, M.E., Khasa, Damase P., Kneebone, Jeff, Korpelainen, H., Kostamo, K., Lanfaloni, L., Lin, Haoran, Liu, Xiaochun, Lucentini, L., Maes, G.E., Mahaffee, W.F., Meng, Zining, Micali, S., Milano, I., Mok, H.F., Morin, L., Neill, T.M., Newton, Craig H., Ostrow, D. Gigi, Palomba, A., Panara, F., Puletti, M.E., Quarta, R., Quilici, S., Ramos, A.K.B., Rigaud, Thierry, Risterucci, A.M., Salomon, Matthew P., Sánchez-Guillén, Rosa A., Sarver, Shane K., Sequeira, A.S., Sforça, D.A., Simiand, C., Smith, Brian, Sousa, A.C.B., Souza, A.P., Stepien, C.C., Stuckert, A.J., Sulikowski, James, Tayeh, A., Tinti, F., Tsang, Paul C.W., Van Houdt, J.K.J., Vendramin, E., Verde, I., Virgilio, M., Wang, Huan L., Wang, Le, Wattier, Rémi A., Wellenreuther, Maren, Xie, Cong X., Zane, L., Zhang, Xiu J., Zhang, Yong, Zhuang, Zhimeng, and Zucchi, M.I. (2010) Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2009–31 January 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10 (3). pp. 576-579.
Barnes, Michele L., Arita, Shawn, Kalberg, Kolter, and Leung, PingSun (2017) When does it pay to cooperate? Strategic information exchange in the harvest of common-pool fishery resources. Ecological Economics, 131. pp. 1-11.
Barnes, Michele, Kalberg, Kolter, Pan, Minling, and Leung, PingSun (2016) When is brokerage negatively associated with economic benefits? Ethnic diversity, competition, and common-pool resources. Social Networks, 45. pp. 55-65.
Bentley, B.P., Harvey, E.S., Newman, S.J., Welch, D.J., Smith, A.K., and Kennington, W.J. (2014) Local genetic patchiness but no regional differences between Indo-West Pacific populations of the dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 506. pp. 267-277.
Farley, Jessica H., Hoyle, Simon D., Eveson, J. Paige, Williams, Ashley J., Davies, Campbell R., and Nicol, Simon J. (2014) Maturity ogives for South Pacific albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) that account for spatial and seasonal variation in the distributions of mature and immature fish. PLoS ONE, 9 (1). e83017. pp. 1-14.
Farley, Jessica H., Williams, Ashley J., Hoyle, Simon D., Davies, Campbell R., and Nicol, Simon J. (2013) Reproductive dynamics and potential annual fecundity of South Pacific albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga). PLoS ONE, 8 (4). e60577. pp. 1-16.
Farley, J.H., Williams, A.J., Clear, N.P., Davies, C.R., and Nicol, S.J. (2013) Age estimation and validation for South Pacific albacore Thunnus alalunga. Journal of Fish Biology, 82 (5). pp. 1523-1544.
Farley, Jessica H., Clear, Naomi P., Leroy, Bruno, Davis, Tim L.O., and McPherson, Geoffrey (2006) Age, growth and preliminary estimates of maturity of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the Australian region. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57 (7). pp. 713-724.
Macdonald, Jed I., Farley, Jessica H., Clear, Naomi P., Williams, Ashley J., Carter, Thor I., Davies, Campbell R., and Nicol, Simon J. (2013) Insights into mixing and movement of South Pacific albacore Thunnus alalunga derived from trace elements in otoliths. Fisheries Research, 148. pp. 56-63.
McPherson, Geoff, McPherson, Craig, Turner, Phil, Kenny, Owen, Madry, Andrew, Bedwell, Ian, Clarke, Gary, and Kreutz, Dave (2007) Approaches to mitigation of toothed whale depredation on the longline fishery in the eastern Australian Fishing Zone. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Fishers Forum. From: Fourth International Fishers Forum, 12 - 14 November, 2007, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
McPherson, Geoff, Turner, Phil, McPherson, Craig, and Cato, Douglas (2003) Acoustic systems to mitigate predation on tuna longline hooked fish by large marine animals - an Australian perspective of the global problem. In: Papers from the 8th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference. From: 8th Western Pacific Acoustic Conference, 7-9 April 2003, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Puncher, Gregory N., Cariani, Alessia, Maes, Gregory E., Van Houdt, Jeroen, HertenKatho, Koen, Cannas, Rita, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara, Albaina, Aitor, Estonba, Andone, Lutcavage, Molly, Hanke, Alex, Rooker, Jay, Franks, James S., Quattro, Joseph S., Basilone, Gualtiero, Fraile, Igaratza, Laconcha, Urtzi, Goni, Nicolas, Kimoto, Ai, Macias, David, Alemany, Francisco, Deguara, Simeon, Zgozi, Salem W., Garibaldi, Fulvio, Oray, Isik K., Karakulak, Firdes Saadet, Abid, Noureddine, Santos, Miguel N., Addis, Piero, Arrizabalaga, Haritz, and Tinti, Fausto (2018) Spatial dynamics and mixing of bluefin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea revealed using next-generation sequencing. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18 (3). pp. 620-638.
Williams, Ashley J., Leroy, Bruno M., Nicol, Simon J., Farley, Jessica H., Clear, Naomi P., Krusic-Golub, Kyne, and Davies, Campbell R. (2013) Comparison of daily- and annual- increment counts in otoliths of bigeye (Thunnus obesus), yellowfin (T. albacares), southern bluefin (T. maccoyii) and albacore (T. alalunga) tuna. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70 (7). pp. 1439-1450.