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- 1307 Understanding past societies (299)
- 130704 Understanding Europe’s past (57)
- 1307 Understanding past societies (299)
Bunbury, Magdalena Maria Elisabeth (2025) Towards Robust Demographic Models: A Systematic Approach to 14C Data Aggregation and Analysis with Lessons from the Southern Levant. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 13 (3).
Bradshaw, Corey, Reepmeyer, Christian, Saltré, Frédérik, Agapiou, Athos, Kassianidou, Vasiliki, Demesticha, Stella, Zomeni, Zomenia, Polidorou, Miltiadis, and Moutsiou, Theodora (2024) Demographic models predict end-Pleistocene arrival and rapid expansion of pre-agropastoralist humans in Cyprus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (21). e2318293121.
Johannsen, Jens Winther, Laabs, Julian, Bunbury, Magdalena M.E., and Mortensen, Morten Fischer (2024) Subsistence and Population development from the Middle Neolithic B (2800-2350 BCE) to the Late Neolithic (2350-1700 BCE) in Southern Scandinavia. PLoS ONE, 19 (10). e0301938.
Schultz, Alessandra, and McAllister, Madeline (2023) The 18th Century Intaglios and Seals of HMS Pandora: A preliminary examination and contextualisation. Australasian Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 47. pp. 17-30.
Bunbury, Magdalena Maria Elisabeth, Austvoll, Knut Ivar, Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng, Nielsen, Svein Vatsvåg, Kneisel, Jutta, and Weinelt, Mara (2023) Understanding climate resilience in Scandinavia during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Quaternary Science Reviews, 322. 108391.
Paba, Rossella, D'Orlando, Dario, Willis, Anna, Lugliè, Carlo, and Domett, Kate (2023) An unusual case of prone position in the Punic/Roman necropolis of Monte Luna in Sardinia (Italy): A multi-disciplinary interpretation of Tomb 27. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48. 103846.
Leppard, Thomas P., Cochrane, Ethan E., Gaffney, Dylan, Hofman, Corinne L., Laffoon, Jason E., Bunbury, Magdalena M.E., and Broodbank, Cyprian (2022) Global Patterns in Island Colonization during the Holocene. Journal of World Prehistory, 35. pp. 161-232.
Bird, Michael I., Haig, Jordahna, Ulm, Sean, and Wurster, Christopher (2022) A carbon and nitrogen isotope perspective on ancient human diet in the British Isles. Journal of Archaeological Science, 137. 105516.
Woo, Katherine, Bailey, Geoff, Cook Hale, Jessica, Benjamin, Jonathan, and Ulm, Sean (2021) Ancient undersea middens offer clues about life before rising seas engulfed the coast. Now we have a better way to study them. The Conversation, 2021.
Moutsiou, Theodora (2021) Climate, environment and cognition in the colonisation of the Eastern Mediterranean islands during the Pleistocene. Quaternary International, 577.
Moutsiou, Theodora, Reepmeyer, Christian, Kassianidou, Vasiliki, Zomeni, Zomenia, and Agapiou, Athos (2021) Modelling the Pleistocene colonisation of Eastern Mediterranean islandscapes. PLoS ONE, 16 (10).
Paba, Rossella, Thompson, T.J.U., Fanti, Laura, and Lugliè, Carlo (2021) Rising from the ashes: A multi-technique analytical approach to determine cremation. A case study from a Middle Neolithic burial in Sardinia (Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36. 102855.
Cook Hale, Jessica, Benjamin, Jonathan, Woo, Katherine, Astrup, Peter Moe, McCarthy, John, Hale, Nathan, Stankiewicz, Francis, Wiseman, Chelsea, Skriver, Claus, Garrison, Ervan, Ulm, Sean, and Bailey, Geoff (2021) Submerged landscapes, marine transgression and underwater shell middens: comparative analysis of site formation and taphonomy in Europe and North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 258. 106867.
Astrup, Peter Moe, Benjamin, Jonathan, Stankiewicz, Francis, Woo, Katherine, McCarthy, John, Wiseman, Chelsea, Baggaley, Paul, Jerbic, Katarina, Fowler, Madeline, Skriver, Claus, and Bailey, Geoff (2021) A drowned Mesolithic shell midden complex at Hjarnø Vesterhoved, Denmark and its wider significance. Quaternary Science Reviews, 258. 106854.
Schmid, Magdalena M.E., Zori, David, Erlendsson, Egill, Batt, Cathy, Damiata, Brian N., and Byock, Jesse (2018) A Bayesian approach for linking archaeological, paleoenvironmental and documentary datasets relating to the settlement of Iceland (Landnám). Holocene, 28 (1). pp. 19-33.
Stevenson, Ana (2018) “Cast off the shackles of yesterday”: women’s suffrage in Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins. Camera Obscura, 33 (2). 98. pp. 69-103.
Stevens, Hallam (2018) Globalizing Genomics: The Origins of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration. Journal of the History of Biology, 51 (4). pp. 657-691.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) Dal sistema di Utrecht (1713) al sistema di Vattel (1758); attraverso l’Observateur Hollandois e 'quelques arpents de neige' in America. Rivista Storica Italiana, 129 (2). pp. 495-535.
Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio (2017) Il progetto Vattel: Per una rilettura del 'Droit des gens' e della sua diffusione nell'Europa del Settecento. Rivista Storica Italiana, 129 (2). pp. 491-494.
Schmid, Magdalena M.E., Dugmore, Andy, Vésteinsson, Orri, and Newton, Anthony (2017) Tephra isochrons and chronologies of colonization. Quaternary Geochronology, 40. pp. 56-66.
Schmid, Magdalena Maria Elisabeth (2015) Archaeological dating evidence in Viking Age Iceland: A critical review. Ólafía, 5. pp. 97-110.
Batt, Catherine M., Schmid, Magdalena M.E>, and Vésteinsson, Orri (2015) Constructing chronologies in Viking age Iceland: Increasing dating resolution using Bayesian approaches. Journal of Archaeological Science, 62. pp. 161-174.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2014) Between Utrecht and the War of the Austrian Succession: The Dutch Translation of the British Merchant of 1728. History of European Ideas, 40 (8). pp. 1026-1043.
Book Chapter
Stapelbroek, Koen (2024) The embarrassment of poverty: Dutch decline, liberalism, patriotism and the duties of the state around 1800. In: O'Flaherty, Niall, and Mills, Robin, (eds.) Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment. Studies in Early Modern European History . Manchester University Press, Manchester, United, Kingdom, pp. 106-127.
Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio (2024) The history of Mediterranean free ports as the invention of free trade? In: Delogu, Giulia, Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio, (eds.) Free Trade and Free Ports in the Mediterranean. Political Economies of Capitalism, 1600–1850 . Routledge, London, United Kingdom.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2021) Commercial sociability and the management of self-interest in Isaac de Pinto's letter on card-playing. In: Zabel, Christine, (ed.) Historicizing Self-Interest in the Modern Atlantic World. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 73-94.
Schmid, Magdalena M.E., Dugmore, Andrew J., Newton, Anthony J., and Vésteinsson, Orri (2021) Multidisciplinary data from Iceland indicate a Viking age settlement flood, rather than a flow or tickle. In: Napolitano, Matthew F., Stone, Jessica H., and DiNapoli, Robert J., (eds.) The Archaeology of Island Colonization: global approaches to initial human settlement. Society and Ecology in Island and Coastal Archaeology . University Press of Florida, pp. 132-179.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2021) Vattel and the Seven Years’ War. In: Schröder, Peter, (ed.) Concepts and Contexts of Vattel's Political and Legal Thought. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 101-120.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2021) The history of trade and the legitimacy of the Dutch Republic. In: Alimento, Antonella, and Della Fontana, Aris, (eds.) Histories of Trade as Histories of Civilisation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 117-150.
Haara, Heikki, and Stapelbroek, Koen (2020) Intellectual History and Helsinki: Editorial Introduction. In: Haara, Heikki, Immanen, Mikko, and Stapelbroek, Koen, (eds.) Passions, Politics and the Limits of Society. Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, 1 . De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-3.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2019) The International Politics of Cameralism: The Balance of Power and Dutch Translations of Justi. In: Nokkala, Ere, Miller, Nicholas B., and La Vopa, Anthony J., (eds.) Cameralism and the Enlightenment Happiness, Governance and Reform in Transnational Perspective. Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 99-124.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2019) L'organisation du commerce international dans l’ombre d'Utrecht : les perspectives hollandaises du XVIIIe siècle. In: Bély, Lucien, Hanotin, Guillaume, and Poumarède, Géraud, (eds.) La Diplomatie-monde. Autour de la paix d'Utrecht - 1713. Pedone, Paris, France, pp. 475-502.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2019) "The Long peace": commercial treaties and the principles of global trade at the Peace of Utrecht. In: Soons, A.H.A., (ed.) The 1713 Peace of Utrecht and its Enduring Effects. Nova et Vetera Iuris Gentium, 31 . Brill, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 93-119.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2019) The foundations of Vattels 'system' of politics and the Seven Years' War: moral philosophy, luxury and the constitutional commercial state. In: Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio, (eds.) The Legacy of Vattel's Droit des gens. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 95-134.
Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio (2019) The legacy of Vattel's Droit des gens: contexts, concepts, reception, translation and diffusion. In: Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio, (eds.) The Legacy of Vattel's Droit des gens. Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-28.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2018) Le constitutionnalisme hollandais reconsidéré: le 'pouvoir intrinsèque' de la république commerciale vs l'Assemblée représentative batave. In: Albertone, Manuela, and Castiglione, Dario, (eds.) Les défis de la représentation. Langages et pratiques politiques à l'époque moderne. Classiques Garnier, Paris, France, pp. 165-194.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2018) Les fondements de l'économie politique de Galiani: L'art du gouvernement, le luxe et l'histoire de l'humanité. In: Carnino, Cecilia, and Tiran, André, (eds.) Economie et Politique chez Ferdinando Galiani. Classiques Garnier, Paris, France, pp. 457-483.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2018) Raynal, Luzac and Pinto: global trade, the Dutch Republic and the history and constitution of the commercial state. In: Alimento, Antonella, and Goggi, Gianluigi, (eds.) Autour de l'Abbé Raynal. Genèse et enjeux politiques de l'Histoire de deux Indes. Centre international d'etude du XVIIIe siècle, Ferney-Voltaire, France, pp. 45-61.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) From jealousy of trade to the neutrality of finance: Isaac de Pinto's "system" of luxury and perpetual peace. In: Kapossy, Béla, Nakhimovsky, Isaac, and Whatmore, Richard, (eds.) Commerce and Peace in the Enlightenment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 78-109.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) La neutralità e la libertà del commercio: Problemi politici, istituzionali e costituzionali dello stato commerciale dal '700'. In: Andreozzi, Daniele, (ed.) Attraverso i conflitti. Neutralità e commercio fra età moderna ed età contemporanea. Trieste University Press, Trieste, Italy, pp. 13-27.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) Reinventing the Dutch Republic: Franco-Dutch commercial treaties from Ryswick to Vienna. In: Alimento, Antonella, and Stapelbroek, Koen, (eds.) The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: balance of power, balance of trade. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 195-215.
Alimento, Antonella, and Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) Trade and treaties: balancing the interstate system. In: Alimento, Antonella, and Stapelbroek, Koen, (eds.) The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: balance of power, balance of trade. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-75.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2016) Republics and monarchies. In: Whatmore, Richard, and Young, Brian, (eds.) A Companion to Intellectual History. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 276-287.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2016) "To console and alleviate the human mind": Ferdinando Galiani's attempted re-publication of Serra in the 1750s. In: Patalano, Rosario, and Reinert, Sophus, (eds.) Antonio Serra on the Economics of Good Government. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance . Palgrave MacMillan, London, UK, pp. 234-262.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2009) ‘The Proud Epithet of Enlightened': Ferdinando Galiani and the Neapolitan Debate on Colonies, Commerce and Conquest. In: Paquette, Gabriel, (ed.) Enlightened Reform in Southern Europe and its Atlantic Colonies, c. 1750-1830. Empires and the Making of the Modern World, 1650-2000 . Routledge, Abingdon, England, pp. 287-303.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2007) The idea of democracy and the eighteenth century. In: Bekkers, Victor, Dijkstra, Geske, Edwards, Arthur, and Fenger, Menno, (eds.) Governance and the Democratic Deficit: Assessing the Democratic Legitimacy of Governance Practices. Routledge, Abingdon, England, pp. 61-77.
Conference Item
Schmid, Magdalena, Dugmore, Andrew, and Newton, Anthony (2020) From sites to regional synthesis: collective chronologies of late Viking and early Christian activities in Iceland. In: Viking Encounters: proceedings of the eighteenth Viking Congress. pp. 303-317. From: Eighteenth Viking Congress, 6-12 August 2017, Aarhus, Denmark.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2019) The Politics of Commercial Treaties after Passarowitz. In: Venezia e il suo Stato da mar / Venice and its Stato da Mar: Atti del VI convegno internazionale. pp. 191-215. From: Venezia e il suo Stato da mar, 22-24 February 2018, Venice, Italy.
Delogu, Giulia, Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio (2024) Free Trade and Free Ports in the Mediterranean. Political Economies of Capitalism, 1600–1850 . Routledge, London, United Kingdom.
Bradshaw, Wayne (2023) The Ego Made Manifest: Max Stirner, Egoism, and the Modern Manifesto. Bloomsbury, New York, NY, USA.
Stapelbroek, Koen (2020) Commercio, passioni e mercato: Napoli nell'Europa del Settecento. FrancoAngeli, Milan, Italy.
Haara, Heikki, Immanen, Mikko, and Stapelbroek, Koen (2020) Passions, Politics and the Limits of Society. Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, 1 . De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.
Stapelbroek, Koen, and Trampus, Antonio (2019) The Legacy of Vattel's Droit des gens. Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland.
Alimento, Antonella, and Stapelbroek, Koen (2017) The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: balance of power, balance of trade. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland.
Schmid, Magdalena Maria Elisabeth (2015) Das Gräberfeld von Rákóczifalva in Zentralungarn und die Chronologie des spätawarenzeitlichen Fundmatertials / The Rákóczifalva cemetery in central Hungary and the chronology of the late Avar period finds. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie Band, 272 . Verlag Dr Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, Germany.
Paba, Rossella (2023) A new lease on life: using advanced analytical techniques in bioarchaeology to maximise the understanding of past populations of Sardinia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Schmid, Magdalena Maria E. (2018) Archaeological applications of radiocarbon chronologies and statistical models: Dating the Viking age settlement of Iceland (Landnám). PhD thesis, University of Iceland.