Publications by: Peter V. Ridd

Also publishes as (P. Ridd, P.J. Ridd, Peter Ridd, P.V. Ridd)

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Number of items: 80.

Salamena, Gerry Giliant, Heron, Scott F., Ridd, Peter V., and Whinney, James C. (2023) A risk assessment of marine plastics in coastal waters of a small island: Lessons from Ambon Island, eastern Indonesia. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 65. 103086.

Salamena, Gerry Giliant, Whinney, James C., Heron, Scott F., and Ridd, Peter (2022) Frontogenesis and estuarine circulation at the shallow sill of a tropical fjord: Insights from Ambon Bay, eastern Indonesia. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 56. 102696.

Salamena, Gerry Giliant, Whinney, James C., Heron, Scott F., and Ridd, Peter (2021) Internal tidal waves and deep-water renewal in a tropical fjord: lessons from Ambon Bay, eastern Indonesia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 253. 107291.

Olsen, Alex, Konovalov, Dmitry A., Philippa, Bronson, Ridd, Peter, Wood, Jake, Johns, Jamie, Banks, Wesley, Girgenti, Benjamin, Kenny, Owen, Whinney, James, Calvert, Brendan, Rahimi Azghadi, Mostafa, and White, Ronald D. (2019) DeepWeeds: a multiclass weed species image dataset for deep learning. Scientific Reports, 9. 2058.

Bird, Michael I., Brand, Michael, Diefendorf, Aaron F., Haig, Jordahna L., Hutley, Lindsay B., Levchenko, Vladimir, Ridd, Peter V., Rowe, Cassandra, Whinney, James, Wurster, Christopher M., and Zwart, Costijn (2019) Identifying the 'savanna' signature in lacustrine sediments in northern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 203. pp. 233-247.

Kenady, Selene L., Lowe, Kelsey M., Ridd, Peter V., and Ulm, Sean (2018) Creating volume estimates for buried shell deposits: a comparative experimental case study using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity under varying soil conditions. Archaeological Prospection, 25 (2). pp. 121-136.

Larcombe, Piers, and Ridd, Peter (2018) The need for a formalised system of Quality Control for environmental policy-science. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126. pp. 449-461.

Whinney, James, Jones, Ross, Duckworth, Alan, and Ridd, Peter (2017) Continuous in situ monitoring of sediment deposition in shallow benthic environments. Coral Reefs, 36. pp. 521-533.

Ridd, Peter (2017) The extraordinary resilience of Great Barrier Reef corals, and problems with policy science. In: Marohasy, Jennifer, (ed.) Climate Change: the facts 2017. Connor Court Publishing, pp. 9-23.

Salamena, Gerry G., Martins, Flávio, and Ridd, Peter V. (2016) The density-driven circulation of the coastal hypersaline system of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 105 (1). pp. 277-285.

Waltham, Nathan, McKenna, Skye, York, Paul, Devlin, Michelle, Campbell, Sean, Rasheed, Michael, Da Silva, Eduardo, Petus, Caroline, and Ridd, Peter (2015) Port of Mackay and Hay Point Ambient Marine Water Quality Monitoring Program (July 2014 to July 2015). Report. TropWATER, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Olsen, Alex, Han, Sunghyu, Calvert, Brendan, Ridd, Peter, and Kenny, Owen (2015) In situ leaf classification using histograms of oriented gradients. In: Proceedings of the lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications. pp. 441-448. From: DICTA 2015: lnternational Conference on Digital lmage Computing: techniques and applications, 23-25 Nov 2015, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Mao, Yadan, and Ridd, Peter V. (2015) Sea surface temperature as a tracer to estimate cross-shelf turbulent diffusivity and flushing time in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (6). pp. 4487-4502.

Fisher, Rebecca, Stark, Clair, Ridd, Peter, and Jones, Ross (2015) Spatial patterns in water quality changes during dredging in tropical environments. PLoS ONE, 10 (12). e0143309. pp. 1-22.

Jones, Ross, Fisher, Rebecca, Stark, Clair, and Ridd, Peter (2015) Temporal patterns in seawater quality from dredging in tropical environments. PLoS ONE, 10 (10). e0137112. pp. 1-25.

Marchant, Ross, Reading, Dean, Ridd, James, Campbell, Sean, and Ridd, Peter (2015) A drifter for measuring water turbidity in rivers and coastal oceans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 91. pp. 102-106.

Andutta, Fernando P., Ridd, Peter V., Deleersnijder, Eric, and Prandle, David (2014) Contaminant exchange rates in estuaries: new formulae accounting for advection and dispersion. Progress in Oceanography, 120. pp. 139-153.

Boer, M., Marchant, R., and Ridd, P. (2014) Should the pre-1986 coral cover record be used to determine system-wide long-term trends for the Great barrier Reef? Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (9). pp. 1626-1649.

Marchant, Ross, Stevens, Thomas, Choukroun, Severine, Combes, Gavin, Santarossa, Michael, Whinney, James, and Ridd, Peter (2014) A buoyant tethered sphere for marine current estimation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 39 (1). pp. 2-9.

Ridd, Peter V., da Silva, Eduardo Teixeira, and Stieglitz, Thomas (2013) Have coral calcification rates slowed in the last twenty years? Marine Geology, 346. pp. 392-399.

Wang, Yonghong, Oguchi, Takashi, Ridd, Peter V., and Shen, Huanting (2013) Anthropogenic influence on sedimentation during the last 100 years inferred from magnetic properties in the Changjiang Estuary, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70 (4). pp. 1671-1680.

Macdonald, Rachael K., Ridd, Peter V., Whinney, James C., Larcombe, Piers, and Neil, David T. (2013) Towards environmental management of water turbidity within open coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 74 (1). pp. 82-94.

Hoeke, Ron K., Storlazzi, Curt D., and Ridd, Peter V. (2013) Drivers of circulation in a fringing coral reef embayment: a wave-flow coupled numerical modeling study of Hanalei Bay, Hawaii. Continental Shelf Research, 58. pp. 79-95.

Andutta, Fernando P. , Ridd, Peter V., and Wolanski, E. (2013) The age and the flushing time of the Great Barrier Reef Waters. Continental Shelf Research, 53. pp. 11-19.

Bird, Michael I., Hutley, Lindsay B., Lawes, Michael J., Lloyd, Jon, Luly, Jon G., Ridd, Peter V., Roberts, Richard G., Ulm, Sean, and Wurster, Chris M. (2013) Humans, megafauna and environmental change in tropical Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28 (5). pp. 439-452.

Orpin, Alan R., and Ridd, Peter V. (2012) Exposure of inshore corals to suspended sediments due to wave-resuspension and river plumes in the central Great Barrier Reef: a reappraisal. Continental Shelf Research, 47. . pp. 55-67.

Browne, Nicola K., Smithers, Scott G., Perry, Chris T., and Ridd, Peter V. (2012) A field-based technique for measuring sediment flux on coral reefs: application to turbid reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Coastal Research, 28 (5). 5. pp. 1247-1262.

Ridd, Peter V., Larcombe, Piers, Stieglitz, Thomas, and Orpin, Alan (2012) Comment on "Towards ecologically relevant targets for river pollutant loads to the Great Barrier Reef" by F.J. Kroon, Marine Pollution Bulletin 65 (4-9) 261-266. Marine Pollution Bulletin. pp. 1-4.

Andutta, Fernando P., Ridd, Peter V., and Wolanski, Eric (2011) Dynamics of hypersaline coastal waters in the Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 94 (4). pp. 299-305.

Hoeke, Ron, Storlazzi, Curt, and Ridd, Peter (2011) Hydrodynamics of a bathymetrically complex fringing coral reef embayment: wave climate, in situ observations, and wave prediction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116. C04018. pp. 1-19.

McKinna, Lachlan I.W., Furnas, Miles J., and Ridd, Peter V. (2011) A simple, binary classification algorithm for the detection of Trichodesmium spp. within the Great Barrier Reef using MODIS imagery. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 9. pp. 50-66.

Stieglitz, T., and Ridd, P. (2011) Of holes and depressions on the great barrier reef coast - and a physict's toolbox to study them. In: Abstracts from the Third Nereis Park Conference: benthic processes in a globally changing environment. pp. 29-30. From: Third Nereis Park Conference: benthic processes in a globally changing environment, 29-31 August 2011, Kristineberg, Sweden.

Stieglitz, Thomas, and Ridd, Peter (2011) Residence time. In: Hopley, David, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: structure, form and process. Encyclopedia of Earth Science . Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 931.

Ridd, Peter V., Orpin, Alan R., Stieglitz, Thomas C., and Brunskill, Gregg J. (2011) Will reducing agricultural runoff drive recovery of coral biodiversity and macroalgae cover on the Great Barrier Reef? Ecological Applications, 21 (8). pp. 3332-3335.

Choukroun, Séverine, Ridd, Peter V., Brinkman, Richard, and McKinna, Lachlan I.W. (2010) On the surface circulation in the western Coral Sea and residence times in the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Geophysical Research: oceans, 115. C06013. pp. 1-13.

Renagi, Ora, Ridd, Peter, and Stieglitz, Thomas (2010) Quantifying the suspended sediment discharge to the ocean from the Markham River, Papua New Guinea. Continental Shelf Research, 30 (9). pp. 1030-1041.

Stieglitz, T.C., Holliday, D., Ridd, P.V., Cook, P.G., and Read, W.W. (2010) Geological controls and tidal forcing of submarine groundwater discharge from a confined aquifer, Elim Beach, northeast Australia. In: Abstracts from ASLO & NABS 2010 Summer Meeting. p. 1. From: ASLO & NABS: 2010 Summer Meeting, 6 - 11 June 2010, Santa Fe, NM, USA.

Hollins, Suzanne E., Heron, Scott F., and Ridd, Peter V. (2009) Methods for monitoring tidal flushing in large animal burrows in tropical mangrove swamps. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 82 (4). pp. 615-620.

Walsh, John P., and Ridd, Peter V. (2009) Processes, sediments, and stratigraphy of the Fly River Delta. In: Bolton, B.R., (ed.) The Fly River, Papua New Guinea: environmental studies in an impacted tropical river system. Developments in Earth & Environmental Sciences 9 . Elsevier, Burlington, MA, USA, pp. 153-176.

Mantovanelli, A., and Ridd, P.V. (2008) SEDVEL: an underwater balance for measuring in situ settling velocities and suspended cohesive sediment concentrations. Journal of Sea Research, 60 (4). pp. 235-245.

Cooper, Timothy F., Ridd, Peter V., Ulstrup, Karin E., Humphrey, Craig, Slivokoff, Matthew, and Fabricius, Katharina E. (2008) Temporal dynamics in coral bioindicators for water quality on coastal coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. Marine and Freshwater Research, 59 (8). pp. 703-716.

Halide, Halmar, and Ridd, Peter V. (2008) A predictive model for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever epidemics. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 18 (4). pp. 253-265.

Wang, Yong-Hong, Ridd, Peter V., Wu, Hua-Lin, Wu, Jia-Xue, and Shen, Huan-Ting (2008) Long-term morphodynamic evolution and the equilibrium mechanism of a flood channel in the Yangtze Estuary (China). Geomorphology, 99 (1-4). pp. 130-138.

Heron, S.F., and Ridd, P.V. (2008) The tidal flushing of multiple-loop animal burrows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 78 (1). pp. 135-144.

Halide, Halmar, and Ridd, Peter (2008) Complicated ENSO models do not significantly outperform very simple ENSO models. International Journal of Climatology, 28 (2). pp. 219-233.

Wang, Yonghong, Heron, Malcolm M., Prytz, Arnstein, Ridd, Peter V., Steinberg, Craig R., and Hacker, Jörg M. (2007) Evaluation of a new airborne microwave remote sensing radiometer by measuring the salinity gradients across the shelf of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45 (11). pp. 3701-3709.

Wang, Yonghong, Ridd, Peter V., Heron, Mal L., Stieglitz, Thomas C., and Orpin, Alan R. (2007) Flushing time of solutes and pollutants in the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58 (8). pp. 778-791.

Holliday, D., Stieglitz, T.C., Ridd, P.V., and Read, W.W. (2007) Geological controls and tidal forcing of submarine groundwater discharge from a confined aquifer in a coastal sand dune system. Journal of Geophysical Research: oceans, 112. pp. 1-10.

Mao, Yadan, Heron, Mal, and Ridd, Peter (2007) Empirical modelling of surface currents for maritime operations. In: Coasts and Ports 2007. From: Coasts and Ports Conference 2007, 18-20 July 2007, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.

Heron, M.L., Ridd, P.V., Greenslade, D.J.M., Skirving, W.J., and Heron, S.F. (2007) HF coastal ocean radar in an observing system. In: Coasts and Ports 2007. From: Coasts and Ports 2007, 18-20 July 2007, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.

Mazda, Yoshihiro, Wolanski, Eric, and Ridd, Peter (2007) The Role of Physical Processes in Mangrove Environments: manual for the preservation and utilization of mangrove ecosystems. Terrapub, Tokyo, Japan.

Ridd, Peter V. (2007) A critique of a method to determine long-term decline of coral reef ecosystems. Energy and Environment, 18 (6). pp. 783-796.

Oliver, N.H.S., Rubenach, M.J., Fu, B., Baker, T., Blenkinsop, T.G., Cleverley, J.S., Marshall, L.J., and Ridd, P.J. (2006) Granite-related overpressure and volatile release in the mid crust: fluidized breccias from the Cloncurry District, Australia. Geofluids, 6 (4). pp. 346-358.

Mantovanelli, Alessandra, and Ridd, Peter V. (2006) Devices to measure settling velocities of cohesive sediment aggregates: a review of the in situ technology. Journal of Sea Research, 56 (3). pp. 199-226.

Susilo, Adi, Ridd, Peter V., and Thomas, Severine (2005) Comparison between tidally driven groundwater flow and flushing of animal burrows in tropical mangrove swamps. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 13 (4). pp. 377-388.

Susilo, Adi, and Ridd, Peter V. (2005) The bulk hydraulic conductivity of mangrove soil perforated with animal burrows. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 13 (2). pp. 123-133.

Thomas, Severine, and Ridd, Peter (2005) Field assessment of innovative sensor for monitoring of sediment accumulation at inshore coral reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51 (1). pp. 470-480.

Anthony, Kenneth R.N., Ridd, Peter V., Orpin, Alan R., Larcombe, Piers, and Lough, Janice (2004) Temporal variation of light availability in coastal benthic habitats : effects of clouds, turbidity, and tides. Limnology and Oceanography, 49 (6). pp. 2201-2211.

Orpin, Alan R., Ridd, Peter V., Thomas, Séverine, Anthony, Kenneth R.N., Marshall, Paul, and Oliver, Jamie (2004) Natural turbidity variability and weather forecasts in risk management of anthropogenic sediment discharge near sensitive environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49 (7). pp. 602-612.

Halide, Halmar, Brinkman, Richard, and Ridd, Peter (2004) Designing bamboo wave attenuators for mangrove plantations. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 33 (3). pp. 220-225.

Da Silva, Eduardo Teixeira, Ridd, Michael, Klumpp, David, and Ridd, Peter (2004) Relative contribution of food and water to the Cd burden in Balanus amphitrite in an urban tidal creek discharging into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 60 (2). pp. 313-324.

Thomas, Séverine, and Ridd, Peter V. (2004) Review of methods to measure short time scale sediment accumulation. Marine Geology, 207 (1-4). pp. 95-114.

Thomas, Séverine, Ridd, Peter V., and Renagi, Ora (2003) Laboratory investigation on the effect of particle size, water flow and bottom surface roughness upon the response of an upward-pointing optical backscatter sensor to sediment accumulation. Continental Shelf Research, 23 (16). pp. 1545-1557.

Heron, S.F., and Ridd, P.V. (2003) The effect of water density variations on the tidal flushing of animal burrows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 58 (1). pp. 137-145.

Thomas, Severine, Ridd, Peter V., and Day, Geoff (2003) Turbidity regimes over fringing coral reefs near a mining site at Lihir island, Papua New Guinea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46 (8). pp. 1006-1014.

Halide, Halmar, Ridd, Peter V., Peterson, Eric L., and Foster, David (2003) Assessing sediment removal capacity of vegetated and non-vegetated settling ponds in prawn farms. Aquacultural Engineering, 27 (4). pp. 295-314.

Bryce, S., Larcombe, P., and Ridd, P.V. (2003) Hydrodynamic and geomorphological controls on suspended sediment transport in mangrove creek systems, a case study: Cocoa Creek, Townsville, Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56 (3-4). pp. 415-431.

Ridd, P.V., and Stieglitz, T. (2002) Dry season salinity changes in arid estuaries fringed by mangroves and saltflats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 54 (6). pp. 1039-1049.

Berkelmans, Ray, Hendee, Jim C., Marshall, Paul A., Ridd, Peter V., Orpin, Alan R., and Irivine, Duncan (2002) Automatic weather stations: tools for managing and monitoring potential impacts to coral reefs. Marine Technology Society Journal, 36 (1). pp. 29-38.

Thomas, Severine, Ridd, Peter V., and Smith, Peter J. (2002) New instrumentation for sediment dynamics studies. Marine Technology Society Journal, 36 (1). pp. 55-58.

Neil, David T., Orpin, Alan R., Ridd, Peter V., and Yu, Bofu (2002) Sediment yield and impacts from river catchments to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Marine and Freshwater Research, 53 (4). pp. 733-752.

Heron, S.F., and Ridd, P.V. (2001) The use of computational fluid dynamics in predicting the tidal flushing of animal burrows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 52 (4). pp. 411-421.

Stieglitz, Thomas, and Ridd, Peter V. (2001) Trapping of mangrove propagules due to density-driven secondary circulation in the Normanby River estuary, NE Australia. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 211. pp. 131-142.

Ridd, P., Day, G., Thomas, S., Harradence, J., Fox, D., Bunt, J., Renagi, O., and Jago, C. (2001) Measurement of sediment deposition rates using an optical backscatter sensor. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 52 (2). pp. 155-163.

Haine, Olivia S., Ridd, Peter V., and Rowe, Richard J. (2001) Range of electrosensory detection of prey by Carcharhinus melanopterus and Himantura granulata. Marine and Freshwater Research, 52 (3). pp. 291-296.

Wolanski, Eric, Mazda, Yoshihiro, Furukawa, Keita, Ridd, Peter, Johnson, Kitheka, Spagnol, Simon, and Stieglitz, Thomas (2001) Water circulation in mangroves, and its implications for biodiversity. In: Wolanski, Eric, (ed.) Oceanographic Processes of Coral Reefs. CRC Press Inc, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 53-76.

Hollins, S.E., Ridd, P.V., and Read, W.W. (2000) Measurement of the diffusion coefficient for salt in salt flat and mangrove soils. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 8 (4). pp. 257-262.

Stieglitz, Thomas, Ridd, Peter, and Muller, Paul (2000) Passive irrigation and functional morphology of crustacean burrows in a tropical mangrove swamp. Hydrobiologia: the international journal on limnology and marine sciences, 421 (1). pp. 69-76.

Aucan, Jerome, and Ridd, Peter V. (2000) Tidal asymmetry in creeks surrounded by saltflats and mangroves with small swamp slopes. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 8 (4). pp. 223-232.

Stieglitz, Thomas, Ridd, Peter V., and Hollins, Suzanne (2000) A small sensor for detecting animal burrows and monitoring burrow water conductivity. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 8 (1). pp. 1-7.

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