Researching trade union movements through the lens of social movements and shades of activism: fault lines, industrial guerrilla and spontaneous disruption from below.

Le Queux, Stephane, Cox, Anne Ngoc, and Sainsaulieu, Ivan (2024) Researching trade union movements through the lens of social movements and shades of activism: fault lines, industrial guerrilla and spontaneous disruption from below. In: Parker, Jane, Donnelly, Noelle, Ressia, Sue, and Gavin, Mihajla, (eds.) Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 175-190.

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This chapter is about researching at the crossroad of organised labour and social movements. It does so through three shades of activism: alterity, Industrial Guerrilla and spontaneity. The first section focuses on anti-globalisation movements leading to the identification of fault lines in the contest of globalisation. The second examines how workers’ militancy comes to challenge official unions and the prospect of independent workers’ representation in Vietnam. The third is looking at the effervescent yet paradoxical relation between unions and social-movements in the context of social-unionism in France, with a vignette on the emergence of autonomous grass-root based trade unions. The conclusion reflects on the need to accept that social relations and activism can transgress our sociological categorisations. it is less so looking at people through systems and structures, however important they are, than people as structure; that is a methodological posture that accepts that social relations can escape determinism.

Item ID: 84240
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 9781035313884
Keywords: Social movements; Activism; Trade unions; Spontaneity; Vietnam
Copyright Information: © The Editors and Contributing Authors Severally 2024.
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2024 01:19
FoR Codes: 35 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 3505 Human resources and industrial relations > 350504 Industrial and employee relations @ 100%
SEO Codes: 15 ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK > 1503 Management and productivity > 150301 Industrial relations @ 100%
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