Exploring the faecal microbiome associated with preterm birth

Westaway, Jacob A. F. (2021) Exploring the faecal microbiome associated with preterm birth. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.25903/1tsp-1139


Jacob Westaway investigated the gut microbiome of preterm infants born in North Queensland, Australia. He observed unique associations between the gut microbiome and the unfavourable covariates, as well as acute modulation in association with probiotic prophylaxis. This supports expansion of the probiotic supplementation criteria and highlights the importance of the microbiome in health.

Item ID: 79690
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: dysbiosis, gut microbiome, metagenomics, microbiome, neonatal, neonate, NICU, premature, preterm (birth), preterm infant, probiotics
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Copyright Information: Copyright © 2021 Jabob A. F. Westaway.
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Four publications arising from this thesis are stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publications are:

[Chapter 2] Westaway, Jacob A.F, Huerlimann, Roger, Miller, Catherine M., Kandasamy, Yoga, Norton, Robert, and Rudd, Donna (2021) Methods for exploring the faecal microbiome of premature infants: a review. Maternal health, neonatology and perinatology, 7 (11).

[Chapter 3] Westaway, Jacob A.F., Huerlimann, Roger, Kandasamy, Yoga, Miller, Catherine M., Norton, Robert, Staunton, Kyran M., Watson, David, and Rudd, Donna (2022) The bacterial gut microbiome of probiotic-treated very-preterm infants: changes from admission to discharge. Pediatric Research, 92. pp. 142-150.

[Chapter 4] Westaway, Jacob A.F., Huerlimann, Roger, Kandasamy, Yoga, Miller, Catherine M., Norton, Robert, Watson, David, Infante-Vilamil, Sandra, and Rudd, Donna (2022) To Probiotic or Not to Probiotic: A Metagenomic Comparison of the Discharge Gut Microbiome of Infants Supplemented With Probiotics in NICU and Those Who Are Not. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10. 838559.

[Chapter 5] Westaway, Jacob A.F., Huerlimann, Roger, Kandasamy, Yogavijayan, Miller, Catherine M., Norton, Robert, Watson, David, Infante-Villamil, Sandra, and Rudd, Donna (2022) Exploring the long-term colonisation and persistence of probiotic-prophylaxis species on the gut microbiome of preterm infants: a pilot study. European Journal of Pediatrics, 181 (9). pp. 3389-3400.

Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2023 03:11
FoR Codes: 32 BIOMEDICAL AND CLINICAL SCIENCES > 3207 Medical microbiology > 320701 Medical bacteriology @ 50%
32 BIOMEDICAL AND CLINICAL SCIENCES > 3213 Paediatrics > 321303 Neonatology @ 50%
SEO Codes: 20 HEALTH > 2005 Specific population health (excl. Indigenous health) > 200506 Neonatal and child health @ 50%
20 HEALTH > 2001 Clinical health > 200104 Prevention of human diseases and conditions @ 50%
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