Maximum Penetration Height and Intrusion Speed of Weak Symmetric Plane Fountains in Linearly Stratified Fluids

Inam, Mohammad I., Lin, Wenxian, Armfield, Steven W., and Khatamifar, Mehdi (2023) Maximum Penetration Height and Intrusion Speed of Weak Symmetric Plane Fountains in Linearly Stratified Fluids. Fluids, 8 (4). 127.

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The flow behavior of weak symmetric plane fountains in linearly stratified fluids is studied numerically with three-dimensional simulations over a range of the Froude ((Formula presented.)), Reynolds ((Formula presented.)), and stratification numbers (s). The two main parameters describing the fountain characterization are the dimensionless maximum fountain penetration height ((Formula presented.)) and intrusion velocity ((Formula presented.)), which differ significantly at different flow development stages. It was found that the stratification stabilizes the symmetry of the weak fountains, which makes the fountain become asymmetric at a larger (Formula presented.) value, and (Formula presented.) at the fully developed stage continues to increase as a result of the intrusion, which continually changes the ambient fluid stratification features, thus the buoyant force. The evolution of intrusion experiences three distinct stages. Both (Formula presented.) and s have effects on (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.), with the effect of (Formula presented.) usually larger than that of s. The overall impacts of (Formula presented.) and s can be quantified in terms of (Formula presented.), with a and b varying for different parameters. With numerical results, empirical correlations are produced in terms of (Formula presented.) for each relevant parameter, which generally predict the results very well.

Item ID: 78960
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2311-5521
Keywords: intrusion, penetration height, stratification, symmetry, weak plane fountain
Copyright Information: © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2023 01:10
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