Reef location has a greater impact than coral bleaching severity on the microbiome of Pocillopora acuta

Botté, Emmanuelle S., Cantin, Neal E., Mocellin, Veronique J.L., O’Brien, Paul A., Rocker, Melissa M., Frade, Pedro R., and Webster, Nicole S. (2022) Reef location has a greater impact than coral bleaching severity on the microbiome of Pocillopora acuta. Coral Reefs, 41 (1). pp. 63-79.

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Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by heat stress events leading to coral bleaching. In 2016, a mass bleaching event affected large parts of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Whilst bleaching severity and coral mortality are usually monitored throughout major bleaching events, other health indicators, such as changes in microbial partners, are rarely assessed. We examined the impact of the 2016 bleaching event on the composition of the microbial communities in the coral Pocillopora acuta at Havannah Island Pandora reef, separated by 12 km on the inshore central GBR. Corals experienced moderate heat stress (3.6 and 5.3 degree heating weeks), inducing major bleaching (30–60%) at the coral community level. Samples were partitioned according to Symbiodiniaceae densities into three bleaching severity categories (mild, moderate, and severe). Whilst Symbiodiniaceae densities were similar at both reef locations, sequencing of the Symbiodiniaceae ITS2 and prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes revealed that microbial communities were significantly different between reefs, but not according to bleaching severity. Symbiodiniaceae composition was dominated by the genus Cladocopium with low abundances of Durusdinium detected in moderately and severely bleached colonies at both sites, despite site-specific ITS2 profiles. Bacterial communities were dominated by Proteobacteria and were almost entirely lacking the common Pocilloporid associate Endozoicomonas regardless of bleaching severity. Strikingly, only 11.2% of the bacterial Amplicon Sequencing Variants (ASVs) were shared between sites. This reef specificity was driven by 165 ASVs, mainly from the family Rhodobacteraceae. Comparison with previous studies suggests that the moderate heat stress experienced on the central GBR in 2016 caused the near-complete absence of Endozoicomonas. Symbiodiniaceae and bacteria (particularly Rhodobacteraceae) can be vertically transmitted in P. acuta, and larval propagation can be spatially restricted for this brooding species. Our results demonstrate that, unlike bleaching severity, location-specific factors and species-specific life history traits might have been paramount in shaping the P. acuta microbiome.

Item ID: 74644
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1432-0975
Keywords: Coral bleaching, Coral microbiome, Endozoicomonas, Great Barrier Reef, Pocillopora, Symbiodiniaceae
Copyright Information: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2022 02:43
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