Advances in bioorganic molecules inspired degradation and surface modifications on Mg and its alloys

Cai, Lei, Mei, Di, Zhang, Zhao Qi, Huang, Yuan ding, Cui, Lan Yue, Guan, Shao Kang, Chen, Dong Chu, Kannan, M. Bobby, Zheng, Yu feng, and Zeng, Rong Chang (2022) Advances in bioorganic molecules inspired degradation and surface modifications on Mg and its alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10 (3). pp. 670-688.

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Mg alloys possess biodegradability, suitable mechanical properties, and biocompatibility, which make them possible to be used as biodegradable implants. However, the uncontrollable degradation of Mg alloys limits their general applications. In addition to the factors from the metallic materials themselves, like alloy compositions, heat treatment process and microstructure, some external factors, relating to the test/service environment, also affect the degradation rate of Mg alloys, such as inorganic salts, bioorganic small molecules, bioorganic macromolecules. The influence of bioorganic molecules on Mg corrosion and its protection has attracted more and more attentions. In this work, the cutting-edge advances in the influence of bioorganic molecules (i.e., protein, glucose, amino acids, vitamins and polypeptide) and their coupling effect on Mg degradation and the formation of protection coatings were reviewed. The research orientations of biomedical Mg alloys in exploring degradation mechanisms in vitro were proposed, and the impact of bioorganic molecules on the protective approaches were also explored.

Item ID: 74586
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2213-9567
Keywords: Biomaterial, Bioorganic molecules, Coating, Degradation, Glucose, Magnesium alloy
Copyright Information: © 2022 Chongqing University. Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2022 00:16
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