Girls and information communication technology (ICT)

Anderson, Neil , Timms, Carolyn , Courtney, Lyn, and Lankshear, Colin (2008) Girls and information communication technology (ICT). In: Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg A., and Dakich, Eva, (eds.) Rethinking Education with ICT. Sense Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 181-201.

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[Extract] As in other modern Western societies, Australian businesses, financial institutions,industries and governments have become increasingly reliant on Information Communication Technology's (ICT) capacity to provide effective, operational and cost effective solutions across a rapidly growing array of applications. The ubiquitous and seemingly indispensable nature of ICT in modern societies has spawned a hydra-like industry that is difficult to define and is highly dynamic (Moore, Griffiths & Richardson, 2005). Under such conditions education systems are challenged to maximise congruence between school and tertiary level ICT curricula and the requirements of a highly competitive industry in which change is a constant (Millar & Jagger 2001). The research presented in this chapter investigated declining female participation rates of high school girls in advanced level ICT Board subjects leading to professional career pathways.

Item ID: 7448
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-90-8790-279-7
Keywords: girls; ICT; computing subjects; high school; secondary education; gender
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Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2010 04:11
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130306 Educational Technology and Computing @ 100%
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