Towards Ethical IL: a thought journey: Keynote Address

Bruce, Christine (2022) Towards Ethical IL: a thought journey: Keynote Address. In: [Presented at the Western Balkans IL Conference]. From: 10th International Summit of the Book and the 10th International Summit of the Book and Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy Conference, 9-10 December 2021, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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In this paper I reflect on the conference topic of Epistemology, opinions, beliefs and realities, and propose that two complementary elements, values and ethics deserve additional close attention, as the conference elements could be seen as contributing aspects of an Information Literacy Ethics Framework. The development of an IL Ethics Framework is an important progression for the IL agenda as scholars and practitioners increasingly deepen and extend that domain. The IL Ethics Framework I propose assumes understandings of information literacy that permeate all aspects of disciplinary, professional, organizational, social and economic pursuits. It assumes information and other professionals developing IL programs in a range of contexts, seeking to activate information empowerment in others as well as in themselves. I present for consideration some possible elements of an IL Ethics Framework, including a) the central principles of being other focused and empowering, b) the actions of creating programs that are grounded in beliefs and c) some suggested personal values that might underpin IL programs and personal activity. Each of these elements is discussed and an invitation extended to consider their development, adaptation or application in particular contexts. To conclude, I highlight some information literacy research and scholarship and professional activity which would seem to resonate with the ethical framework proposed.

Item ID: 74332
Item Type: Conference Item (Presentation)
Keywords: information literacy professional ethics
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Acknowledgements I would very much like to thank the Western Balkans IL conference for the opportunity to consider these matters and develop this paper. I am also indebted to i-IKM 2019, the 1st international Conference on Information and Knowledge Management held in East-West University, Dhaka Bangladesh, for making possible the consideration of sustainable information literacy, the relationship between IL and the Sustainable Development Goals which formed a precursor to the reflections I have brought to this conference. The inspiration provided by convenors of both these events and the inspiration provided by colleagues around the world have been important, precious and enabling as I have formed these thoughts. Of particular note is the contribution of Susan Gasson, who took the thoughts and transformed them into graphics which communicate more than a thousand words, and Dr Ian Stoodley who has directed my attention towards ethics and IL for many years.

Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2022 02:00
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