Quantification of migrant hoverfly movements (diptera: syrphidae) on the west coast of North America

Menz, Myles H.M., Brown, Brian V., and Wotton, Karl R. (2019) Quantification of migrant hoverfly movements (diptera: syrphidae) on the west coast of North America. Royal Society Open Science, 6 (4). 190153.

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The seasonal migration of huge numbers of hoverflies is frequently reported in Europe from mountain passes or spurs of land. The movement of such large numbers of beneficial insects is thought to provide significant ecosystem services in terms of pollination and pest control. Observations from the East Coast of the USA during the 1920s indicate the presence of migratory life histories among some hoverfly species there, but 90 years have now passed since the last reported observation of hoverfly migration in the USA. Here, we analyse video footage taken during a huge northward migration of hoverflies on 20 April 2017 on the West Coast of California. The quantification of migrant numbers from this footage allows us to estimate the passage of over 100 000 hoverflies in half an hour over a 200 m section of headland in Montañ a de Oro State Park (San Luis Obispo County). Field collections and analysis of citizen science data indicate different species from the previously reported Eristalis tenax migrations on the East Coast of the USA and provide evidence for migration among North American hoverflies. We wish to raise awareness of this phenomenon and suggest approaches to advance the study of hoverfly migration in North America and elsewhere.

Item ID: 71346
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2054-5703
Keywords: Diptera, Hoverfly, Insect migration, Pest control, Pollination, Syrphidae
Copyright Information: & 2019 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2022 01:31
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