Ensuring effective and transformative policy reform: lessons from rezoning Australia's Great Barrier Reef, 1999-2004

Day, Jonathan (Jon) C. (2020) Ensuring effective and transformative policy reform: lessons from rezoning Australia's Great Barrier Reef, 1999-2004. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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View at Publisher Website: https://doi.org/10.25903/afyp-6s09


Jon Day studied the process to develop Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan as an example of transformative environmental policy reform at an ecosystem-wide scale. This was a comprehensive assessment of policy reform, investigating the key factors that influenced the successful policy outcome. Many lessons will help develop environmental policies elsewhere.

Item ID: 67706
Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Keywords: complementary management, conservation planning, conservation social science, coral reefs conservation, ecosystem approach, ecosystem-based management (EBM), environmental decision-making, environmental governance, environmental management, environmental politics, Great Barrier Reef, human dimensions of conservation, insider research, lattice of leadership, large-scale marine protected areas, marine conservation, marine spatial planning (MSP), marine protected area (MPA), monitoring and reporting, ocean management, planning, public engagement, rezoning, scientific underpinning, shared leadership, spatial mismatches, stakeholders, transformational policy reform, value of information analysis, world heritage area, zoning
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Copyright Information: Copyright © 2020 Jonathan (Jon) C. Day.
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Eleven peer-reviewed publications arising from this thesis are stored in ResearchOnline@JCU, at the time of processing. Please see the Related URLs. The publications are:

Agardy, Tundi, Claudet, Joachim, and Day, Jon C. (2016) 'Dangerous Targets' revisited: old dangers in new contexts plague marine protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems, 26 (Supplement S2). pp. 7-23.

Bellwood, David R., Pratchett, Morgan S., Morrison, Tiffany H., Gurney, Georgina G., Hughes, Terry P., Álvarez-Romero, Jorge G., Day, Jon C., Grantham, Ruby, Grech, Alana, Hoey, Andrew S., Jones, Geoffrey P., Pandolfi, John M., Tebbett, Sterling B., Techera, Erika, Weeks, Rebecca, and Cumming, Graeme S. (2019) Coral reef conservation in the Anthropocene: confronting spatial mismatches and prioritizing functions. Biological Conservation, 236. pp. 604-615.

Bennett, Nathan J., Teh, Lydia, Ota, Yoshitaka, Christie, Patrick, Ayers, Adam, Day, Jon C., Franks, Phil, Gill, David, Gruby, Rebecca L., Kittinger, John N., Koehn, J. Zachary, Lewis, Nai'a, Parks, John, Vierros, Marjo, Whitty, Tara S., Wilhelm, Aulani, Wright, Kim, Aburto, Jaime A., Finkbeiner, Elena M., Gaymer, Carlos F., Govan, Hugh, Gray, Noella, Jarvis, Rebecca M., Kaplan-Hallam, Maery, and Satterfield, Terre (2017) An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation. Marine Policy, 81. pp. 411-418.

Christie, Patrick, Bennett, Nathan J., Gray, Noella J., Wilhelm, T. ‘Aulani, Lewis, Nai‘a, Parks, John, Ban, Natalie C., Gruby, Rebecca L., Gordon, Lindsay, Day, Jon, Taei, Sue, and Friedlander, Alan M. (2017) Why people matter in ocean governance: incorporating human dimensions into large-scale marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 84. pp. 273-284.

Day, Jon C. (2017) Effective public participation is fundamental for marine conservation-lessons from a large-scale MPA. Coastal Management, 45 (6). pp. 470-486.

Day, Jon C. (2018) How effective is the management of the Great Barrier Reef? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75 (3). pp. 1188-1190.

Day, Jon C., Kenchington, Richard A., Tanzer, John M., and Cameron, Darren S. (2019) Marine zoning revisited: how decades of zoning the Great Barrier Reef has evolved as an effective spatial planning approach for marine ecosystem-based management. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems, 29 (52 (S2)). pp. 9-32.

Gray, Noella J., Bennett, Nathan J., Day, Jon C., Gruby, Rebecca L., Wilhelm, T. 'Aulani, and Christie, Patrick (2017) Human dimensions of large-scale marine protected areas: advancing research and practice. Coastal Management, 45 (6). pp. 407-415.

Hughes, Terry P., Day, Jon C., and Brodie, Jon (2015) Securing the future of the Great Barrier Reef. Nature Climate Change, 5. pp. 508-511.

Richards, Zoe T., and Day, Jon C. (2018) Biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef: how adequately is it protected? PeerJ, 6. e4747.

Vince, Joanna, and Day, Jon C. (2020) Effective integration and integrative capacity in marine spatial planning. Maritime Studies, 19. pp. 317-332.

Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2021 02:36
FoR Codes: 41 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES > 4104 Environmental management > 410404 Environmental management @ 34%
44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4408 Political science > 440805 Environmental politics @ 33%
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SEO Codes: 19 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND NATURAL HAZARDS > 1902 Environmental policy, legislation and standards > 190299 Environmental policy, legislation and standards not elsewhere classified @ 50%
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