Steroid hormone levels and bi-directional sex change in Gobiodon histrio

Kroon, F.J., Munday, P.L., and Pankhurst, N.W. (2003) Steroid hormone levels and bi-directional sex change in Gobiodon histrio. Journal of Fish Biology, 62 (1). pp. 153-167.

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Sex change in the coral-dwelling goby Gobiodon histrio was induced by placing two adult fish of the same sex on a coral colony. The sex change of individual fish was confirmed using histology, and whole-body concentrations of the gonadal steroids testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), and 17β-oestradiol (E2) were examined. The results show that T, 11-KT and E2 occurred in both female and male G. histrio. E2 concentration in females was twice that in males, while concentrations of T did not differ between the sexes. Contrary to predictions, concentrations of T and E2 did not differ between fish that changed sex and those that did not. Most samples had 11-KT concentrations below minimum levels of detection ( i.e. <0·15 ng ml−1) and were therefore not analysed statistically. The results suggest that: (i) specific activation or de-activation of the T–E2 (aromatase) pathway is a probable candidate for mediating serial adult sex change in G. histrio, and (ii) low levels of 11-KT may be important in allowing serial adult sex change in G. histrio.

Item ID: 6588
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1095-8649
Keywords: 11-ketotestosterone; Gobiidae; Gobiodon histrio; gonadal structure; oestradiol; testerone
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2010 05:57
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