Thermodynamic analysis of a diesel exhaust wet scrubber

Abdulwahid, A., Situ, R., Brown, R., and Lin, W. (2020) Thermodynamic analysis of a diesel exhaust wet scrubber. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. 252. From: AFCM2020: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 7-10 December 2020, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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A wet scrubber is an air pollution removal device that eliminates particulate matter and acid gases from a diesel engine. The exhaust gas enters the scrubber beneath the liquid surface, causing a reduction in gas temperature and increases the relative humidity of the scrubber outlet. In this study, a wet scrubber was investigated experimentally based on a transient heat loss and steady-state heating process. A transient heat loss experiments were performed to estimate the heat loss from the scrubber surface. The steady-state heating process was investigated separately with various inlet gas temperatures and flow rates. The experimental results confirmed that the scrubber effectively reduces the inlet gas temperature from 650 ºC to about 50ºC. However, the outlet gas relative humidity increased due to the high liquid evaporation rate. A thermodynamic analysis estimated the outlet gas relative humidity and compares it with the measured values. The contribution of this study is: heat loss estimation methodology and relative humidity calculations.

Item ID: 65412
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9
Keywords: Wet Scrubber, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Humidity
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Copyright Information: Creative Commons Attribution noncommercial
Funders: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Projects and Grants: ARC Linkage grant LP110200158
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2021 23:33
FoR Codes: 40 ENGINEERING > 4012 Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering > 401205 Experimental methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer @ 100%
SEO Codes: 97 EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE > 970109 Expanding Knowledge in Engineering @ 100%
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