Effect of feeding frequency on survival and growth of juvenile spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor in Indonesia

Syafrizal, Syafrizal, Jones, Clive M., Permana, Idat G., and Utomo, Nur Bambang P. (2018) Effect of feeding frequency on survival and growth of juvenile spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor in Indonesia. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation and Legislation, 11 (5). pp. 1427-1434.

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This research aimed to assess the effect of feeding frequency on survival and growth of juvenile bamboo spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor (Latreille, 1804). A completely randomized design of 4 treatments with 4 replicates was used with treatments consisting of: feeding once per day (FR1), feeding twice per day (FR2); feeding three times per day (FR3) and feeding four times per day (FR4). The experiment was performed in a tank system with a recirculating water supply. Sixteen 100 litre tanks were stocked with post-puerulus juveniles, mean weight 0.50±0.01 g, at a density of 89 m-2 and the experiment ran for 30 days. Diet consisted of a manufactured pellet diet formulated for tropical spiny lobster. Results indicated a statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) of feeding frequency on carapace length, although not for other variables. Carapace length for feeding two and four times per day was significantly greater than for feeding once per day. Mean survival rate across all treatments was 32% and mean final weight was 0.95 g. Notwithstanding the statistical non-significance for several of the variables, the significant effect on carapace length and trends evident for the other variables suggest feeding more than once per day may be beneficial.

Item ID: 57456
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1844-9166
Keywords: lobster, aquaculture, Panulirus, feeding
Copyright Information: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funders: Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
Projects and Grants: ACIAR FIS/2014/059
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2019 01:58
FoR Codes: 30 AGRICULTURAL, VETERINARY AND FOOD SCIENCES > 3005 Fisheries sciences > 300501 Aquaculture @ 100%
SEO Codes: 83 ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL PRIMARY PRODUCTS > 8301 Fisheries - Aquaculture > 830106 Aquaculture Rock Lobster @ 100%
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