Craft, process and art: teaching and learning music composition in higher education

Lupton, Mandy, and Bruce, Christine (2010) Craft, process and art: teaching and learning music composition in higher education. British Journal of Music Education, 27 (3). pp. 271-287.

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This paper explores models of teaching and learning music composition in higher education. It analyses the pedagogical approaches apparent in the literature on teaching and learning composition in schools and universities, and introduces a teaching model as: learning from the masters; mastery of techniques; exploring ideas; and developing voice. It then presents a learning model developed from a qualitative study into students’ experiences of learning composition at university as: craft, process and art. The relationship between the students’ experiences and the pedagogical model is examined. Finally, the implications for composition curricula in higher education are presented.

Item ID: 55459
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1469-2104
Keywords: music; composition; music education; higher education; pedagogy; HERN
Copyright Information: Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2018 05:03
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