Perc's Vestments

Lord, Anne M. (2006) Perc's Vestments. [Creative Work]

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Robe is an artwork by Anne Lord in the exhibition titled Perc’s Vestments. This was a themed exhibition where artists were invited to submit work along the lines of vestments. It was a chance for artists to respond to a theme as in themed exhibitions in other galleries. Here tribute was paid to the former mayor of Townsville, Percival Tucker.

Research Statement

Research Background Exhibitions that focus on a theme such as Perc’s Vestments draw attention to local history, as well as allowing artists to incorporate their own research topics. In the case of Lord’s artwork Robe the research topic includes: ‘art and ephemera’ and acknowledges Buddhist beliefs about waste through the use of recycled elements in the robe and saffron colours. (58 words)
Research Contribution The artwork Robe was created as a response to Perc’s Vestments and is a tribute to Buddhist thought via the saffron robe. The fact that the vestment is made from recycled tabs from plastic shopping bags (the tabs represent 1/100th of the material that goes in shopping bags) is a key to the artist’s intention to consider what and how we use materials. These concerns, covered extensively in the literature from ecology and Buddhism, have been referenced in Lord’s PhD thesis (2008) and art practice. (85 words)
Research Significance The image/s and artist’s statement from Robe contribute to ideas about the community and how we use the locality and resources. Plastic for the piece is from the little left over tops of plastic bags at supermarket checkouts. The collected plastic tabs ranged in colour from pastels, yellows and oranges to saffron. (52 words)
Item ID: 5074
Item Type: Creative Work (Curated/Produced Exhibition/Event - Exhibition/Event)
Media of Output: installation
Event Details: Perc's Vestments
Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, QLD, Australia
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2010 01:59
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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