From left to right

Lord, Anne (2005) From left to right. [Creative Work]

Image (JPEG) (Text and image, and iron-on transfer images from digital photographs on bandages and paper.)
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Image (JPEG) (Text and image, and iron-on transfer images from digital photographs on bandages and paper.)
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Image (JPEG) (Text and image, and iron-on transfer images from digital photographs on bandages and paper.)
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'From left to right' was a book about broken bones and the healing process. This book contained written and printed text on rag paper. Text and image, and iron-on transfer images from digital photographs on bandages and canvas. The whole book is folded canvas with crepe bandage, representing a bookmark or an encompassing fold.

Research Statement

Research Background Artists' books can be an exhibition in one book or an art object. This book 'from left to right' was based on the experience of breaking the writing wrist or hand. Then the learning required to write with the 'right' hand became a creative and mental challenge.
Research Contribution The artist addressed issues of meaning, writing and dyslexia in the images and text produced for this book. The work was produced when the broken bones were mending and required a new way to print one handed. In this case iron-on digital prints from the artist's photographs and scans of writing with the 'wrong' hand but in this case also the right hand.
Research Significance Many people experience the pain of breaking bones and this work addresses the cost of time and emotion involved in mending while continuing to work.
Item ID: 5037
Item Type: Creative Work (Recorded/Rendered Work - Inter-arts)
Media of Output: Transfers on canvas with other elements
Event Details: Black and White Books, Artists' Books
Artisan Books, 159 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne
September 2005
Keywords: artist's book, healing, visual arts
Related URLs:
Additional Information:

This work was featured in the exhibition 'Bookscapes: exploring contemporary Australian artists' book' at Port Jackson Press, 59-61 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne in 15th October 2005 - 5th November 2005. The exhibition and artist information are available from the Related URLs field

Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2011 05:25
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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