Townsville turns 150: the old and the news

Newlands, Maxine, Brennan, Claire, Hodgson, Patrick, Moran, Viv, Roebuck, Ann, and M'Balla-Ndi, Marie (2016) Townsville turns 150: the old and the news. [Creative Work]

Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: exhibition poster) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Artifacts of early communication) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Introductory panel as visitors enter the exhibition) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Visitors learn about Townsville founder John Melton Black and the early days of Townsville as a municipality) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: James Cook University Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Sandra Harding reads about Townsville's history during the second World War) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: invited guests (r-l) James Cook University Pro-VC, Professor Sandra Harding; Labor Member for Townsville CBD, Scott Stewart; Former Queensland Museum Network CEO Suzanne Millar; T150 Principle Investigator Dr Maxine Newlands) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Visitors learn about Townsville after World War II) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Local media interviewing Townsville CBD Labor member Scott Stewart) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Townsville Mayor, Councillor Jenny Hill being interviewed by the local media) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Visitors are brough right up to date with local news reports and a message from the Mayor) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: Visitors can re-live the Japanesse attack on Townsville with this multimedia interactive screen) - Supplemental Material
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Image (JPEG) (Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News: An old Mac computer, cameras from the 1980s and a Trombone are just some of the many artifacts from Townsville's history) - Supplemental Material
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This significant exhibition reveals the news stories, events, developments and local personalities that shaped the Townsville region from 1866 to 2016. From the declaration of the municipality of Townsville in 1866, to the spirited rejuvenation of the city's heart in 2016, this exhibition tracks the development of the Queen City of the North as reported in local media. The exhibition is a collaboration between the College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University, The Townsville Bulletin, Townsville City Council and the Museum of Tropical Queensland, with support from local TV producer, Paul Lyons. Townsville turns 150 was developed with the support of a grant from the Townsville City Council's Townsville 150th Anniversary Grant Program, and ran from 15 February 2016 to 29 January 2017.

Research Statement

Research Background This work contributes to the fields of history, communication and regional politics, to examine the media habits of regional Queensland communities. The key areas of this research are of benefit to history groups, communication organisations, academics and educators. The data was gathered as part of Townsville's sesquicentennial celebrations at the Museum of Tropical Queensland. The research updates the role of regional media in north Queensland in the digital age. There are two working paper in progress from the data.
Research Contribution The project is unique in documenting numerous events to reflect on how our local media and history has shaped our community and identity. Exploration and examination of Townsville's media history also worked as a great resource for identifying other events that may be added to the exhibition's version of the time line.
Research Significance The last published research to look specifically at the Townsville’s media were Manion's book 'Paper Power' (1980), and Roots, B & Phyland, J. (1981) '100 years of news: a centenary publication of the North Queensland Newspaper Company Limited. This work updates the field, and is of benefit to the community of Townsville, its council, media, public bodies, students, and history groups in understand the media's role in shaping regional Queensland and the Townsville region. The exhibition was funded by the Townsville City Council’s as part of their 150 years celebrations ($50,000) was shared equally between James Cook University and the Museum of Tropical Queensland.
Item ID: 50272
Item Type: Creative Work (Curated/Produced Exhibition/Event - Exhibition/Event)
Media of Output: Multimedia (video and audio), images (from Townsville City Library and Trove), artefacts
Event Details: Townsville Turns 150: the Old and the News
Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville, QLD, Australia
15 February 2016 - 29 January 2017
Keywords: T150; Townsville media; regional media; history; North Queensland
Related URLs:
Funders: Townsville City Council T150 Celebrations, Townsville Bulletin Newspaper, Museum of Tropical Queensland, Paul Lyons Productions
Research Data:
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 23:06
FoR Codes: 43 HISTORY, HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY > 4303 Historical studies > 430302 Australian history @ 50%
47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4701 Communication and media studies > 470105 Journalism studies @ 30%
44 HUMAN SOCIETY > 4408 Political science > 440801 Australian government and politics @ 20%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9502 Communication > 950204 The Media @ 50%
97 EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE > 970121 Expanding Knowledge in History and Archaeology @ 50%
Downloads: Total: 1068
Last 12 Months: 13
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