Spatial variations in lead isotopes, Tasman Element, eastern Australia

Huston, D.L., Champion, D.C., Morrison, G., Mass, R., Thorne, J.P., Carr, G., Beams, S., Bottrill, R., Chang, Z-S., Dhnaram, C., Downe, P.M., Forster, D.B., Gemmell, J.B., Lisitsin, V., McNeill, A., and Vicary, M. (2017) Spatial variations in lead isotopes, Tasman Element, eastern Australia. Geoscience Australia Record, 2017 (09). Geoscience Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

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Lead isotope data from ore deposits and mineral occurrences in the Tasman Element of eastern Australia have been used to construct isotopic maps of this region. These maps exhibit systematic patterns in parameters derived from isotope ratios. The parameters include μ (238U/204Pb), as calculated using the Cumming and Richards (1975) lead evolution model, and the difference between true age of mineralisation and the Cumming and Richards lead isotope model age of mineralisation (Δt).

Variations in μ coincide with boundaries at the orogen, subprovince and zone scales. The boundary between the Lachlan and New England orogens is accompanied by a decrease in μ, and within the Lachlan Orogen, the Central Subprovince is characterised by μ that is significantly higher than in the adjacent Eastern and Western subprovinces. Within the Eastern Subprovince, the Cu-Au-rich Macquarie Arc is characterised by significantly lower μ relative to adjacent rocks.

The Macquarie Arc is also characterised by very high Δt (generally above 200 Myr). Other regions characterised by very high Δt include western Tasmania, the southeastern New England Orogen, and the Hodgkinson Province in northern Queensland. These anomalies are within a broad pattern of decreasing Δt from east to west, with Paleozoic deposits within or adjacent to Proterozoic crust characterised by Δt values of 50 Myr or below.

The patterns in Δt are interpreted to reflect the presence of the two major tectonic components involved in the Paleozoic Tasman margin in Australia (cf., Münker, 2000): subducting proto-Pacific crust (Δt >150 Myr), and Proterozoic Australia crust (Δt < 50 Myr) on the over-riding plate. Proterozoic Australia crustal sources are interpreted to dominate the western parts of the Tasman Element and Proterozoic crust further to the west, whereas Pacific crustal sources are inferred to characterise western Tasmania and much of the eastern part of the Tasman Element. Contrasts in Δt between the Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics in western Tasmania and similar aged rocks in western Victoria and New South Wales make direct tectonic correlation between these rocks problematic.

Item ID: 50024
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 978-1-925124-46-1
ISSN: 2201-702X
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With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2017 23:18
FoR Codes: 37 EARTH SCIENCES > 3703 Geochemistry > 370303 Isotope geochemistry @ 100%
SEO Codes: 84 MINERAL RESOURCES (excl. Energy Resources) > 8401 Mineral Exploration > 840105 Precious (Noble) Metal Ore Exploration @ 40%
84 MINERAL RESOURCES (excl. Energy Resources) > 8401 Mineral Exploration > 840102 Copper Ore Exploration @ 40%
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