Riqueza y distribución de corales pétreos en la costa noroccidental del Golfo de Venezuela / Richness and distribution of stony corals in the north-western coast of the Gulf of Venezuela
Barrios-Garrido, Héctor, Petit-Rodríguez, María José, Vera, Flor, Montiel-Villalobos, María Gabriela, Morán, Lisandro, and Wildermann, Natalie (2016) Riqueza y distribución de corales pétreos en la costa noroccidental del Golfo de Venezuela / Richness and distribution of stony corals in the north-western coast of the Gulf of Venezuela. Ciencia, 24 (1). pp. 27-40.
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[Spanish] Los ecosistemas arrecifales son considerados por diversos autores como refugio para una gran diversidad de especies marinas. En Venezuela han sido muchos los trabajos que describen taxonómica y ecológicamente a este ecosistema, pero existe una notable ausencia de información registrada para el Golfo de Venezuela. Se recabó información, a través de observación directa (buceo apnea), registros fílmicos y fotográficos, que corroboran la presencia de bancos arrecifales (ubicación geográfica, batimétrica y otras características físicas – salinidad, temperatura y turbidez)en la zona noroccidental del Golfo de Venezuela. Se registraron 15 especies de corales duros: 12 escleractinios y tres especies mileporinas. Su riqueza es sustancialmente menor, comparada con la reportada para otras comunidades coralinas del Caribe Sur, lo que podría estar relacionado a la influencia de la descarga de agua dulce y de la marcada sedimentación en diferentes zonas; ambos elementos podrían estar afectando la supervivencia de las comunidades coralin as en la zona de estudio. Con los registros se incrementa la diversidad de especies y de hábitats para el Golfo de Venezuela.
[English] Coral reef ecosystems are considered by several authors as key areas which hold a vast diversity of marine species. Comprehensive studies have been developed in Venezuela describing these ecosystems both taxonomically and ecologically. Nevertheless, there has been a lack of information from the Gulf of Venezuela. Systematic information was gathered through direct observations (apnea diving), submarine transects, underwater photography and videos, which confirmed the presence of coral patches, as well as their geographical, bathymetrical and environmental characteristics – salinity, temperature and turbidity in the Gulf of Venezuela. Fifteen species of stony coral were identified; 12 scleractinian and three milleporina. The effect of freshwater and significant sedimentation may be the reasons of a low richness in comparison with other areas in the southern Caribbean. These records increase the species and habitats diversity for the Gulf of Venezuela.
Item ID: | 47795 |
Item Type: | Article (Research - C1) |
ISSN: | 1315-2076 |
Keywords: | scleractinian, milleporina, species richness, Gulf of Venezuela. |
Additional Information: | Main text is in Spanish. Published under Creative Commons - Attribution-nonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Date Deposited: | 30 Mar 2017 23:36 |
FoR Codes: | 41 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES > 4104 Environmental management > 410404 Environmental management @ 50% 31 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 3103 Ecology > 310305 Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology) @ 30% 31 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 3109 Zoology > 310913 Invertebrate biology @ 20% |
SEO Codes: | 96 ENVIRONMENT > 9606 Environmental and Natural Resource Evaluation > 960604 Environmental Management Systems @ 50% 83 ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL PRIMARY PRODUCTS > 8302 Fisheries - Wild Caught > 830299 Fisheries- Wild Caught not elsewhere classified @ 50% |
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