Detecting Doping in Sport

Moston, Stephen, and Engelberg, Terry (2017) Detecting Doping in Sport. Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK.

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[Extract] This is a book about the detection of doping in sport. A recurring theme in this book is that the detection of doping has hitherto been conducted in ways that effectively ensure that doping will not be detected. This failure reflects a combination of both accidental and deliberate factors, leading to one inescapable conclusion: in most countries and in most sports, efforts to detect doping are more concerned with the need to appear to be doing something, rather than to be doing something that works. This particular idea is not new, and has even been voiced by many of those charged with leading anti-doping bodies.

It would be fair to say that the inability to detect and deter doping has prompted a world-weariness among many leading scholars, such that their preferred solution is to abandon anti-doping altogether. However, while such sentiments might be roundly endorsed at conferences or in academic publications, they are essentially just background noise. Athletes, sporting bodies, sponsors and the public do not want athletes to be doping. It may be worth noting that few of those stakeholders could probably articulate what it is that they object to, and many would offer somewhat contradictory and even incoherent reasons for opposing doping, but the core opposition to doping by athletes is entrenched and shows no sign of changing.

Research Statement

Research Background The book explores the changing landscape of anti-doping investigations, which now largely centre on the collection of intelligence about doping through processes such as surveillance, interviews with witnesses and interrogation of athletes. It examines why and how investigative processes, hitherto typically reserved for serious crimes, have been co-opted by anti-doping agencies into a situation where their potential for harm has received little or no critical consideration.
Research Contribution This book highlights the opportunities and threats inherent in adopting new investigative processes. It is expected that many of the same problems that have engulfed forensic investigations over the last two decades, such as miscarriages of justice, are likely to surface in future anti-doping investigations.
Research Significance Drawing on empirical research and theory from a range of disciplines, including forensic psychology, criminology, policing, law, sports management and policy studies, this book fills a scholarly research vacuum on the investigation of doping through non-biological detection methods.
Item ID: 46249
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 978-1-138-85762-9
Keywords: drugs in sport, doping, performance enhancing drugs, forensic psychology, sport psychology, investigation, sport policy, athletes, sport organizations
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2017 02:18
FoR Codes: 52 PSYCHOLOGY > 5201 Applied and developmental psychology > 520107 Sport and exercise psychology @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950102 Organised Sports @ 100%
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