C2Learn Learning Design for CER: C2Learn project deliverable no. D2.2.2

Craft, Anna, Chappell, Kerry, and Walsh, Christopher (2014) C2Learn Learning Design for CER: C2Learn project deliverable no. D2.2.2. Report. European Commission, Pallini, Greece.

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Deliverable 2.2.2 is the second of the two public versions of the document; the first was delivered in Month 9 and this one in Month 18 of the three-year project. Similarly to D2.2.1, and D2.1.1 Interim, this document explicates the key concepts and principles relating to C2 Learn’s Learning Design. Developed by the OU team working closely with feedback from other consortium members, it sets out the over-arching theoretical frame of the project which encompasses Creative Emotional Reasoning (Deliverable 2.1.2) and its practical application in relation to the project's learning approach. Deliverable 2.2.2 is structured in three parts. The first considers the overall goals of the C2Learn gameful design encompassing a 'playful' digital gaming and social networking environment or "Co-creativity space" (C2Space). The C2Space exemplifies students' and teachers 'playful' experiences or what they do:

- free exploration of ideas, concepts, and 'shared' knowledge

- opportunities to engage in creative problem-finding and problem-solving

- opportunities to be assisted by the system (Creativity Assistants)

The second part addresses what the C2Space looks like in practice utilising the affordances of currently available examples of game prototypes and digital tools. The third part documents what will occur next in how the consortium is progressing in designing the C2Space encompassing a digital gaming and social networking environment, with the learning goals in mind. Inevitably as the parts of C2Learn are developing in planned parallel development, the Learning Design will in reality remain a living document throughout the second half of the project, with terminology and processes being refined. This official version though sets down markers as to our expectation of the direction of such evolution.

Item ID: 43559
Item Type: Report (Report)
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© C2Learn Consortium, 2015. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Dissemination level: Public

Funders: European Union Seventh Framework Programme (EU FP7)
Projects and Grants: EU FP7 318480
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2016 00:41
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130306 Educational Technology and Computing @ 100%
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