Developing on-campus work-integrated learning activities: the value of integrating community and industry partners into the creative arts curriculum

Fleischmann, Katja (2015) Developing on-campus work-integrated learning activities: the value of integrating community and industry partners into the creative arts curriculum. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 16 (1). pp. 25-38.

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Work-integrated Learning (WIL) is increasingly identified as essential to helping creative arts students transition from university into the creative industries workplace. Off-campus activities, such as work placements, play a major role in educating work-ready graduates. At the same time, increasing enrolment numbers in creative arts education put pressure on institutions, in particular on campuses in regional areas where the local creative industry sector is usually small and unable to provide enough relevant work placements. Viable alternatives were explored by investigating on-campus WIL activities in creative arts education and how to offer students the opportunity to develop work-ready skills on-campus. Consequently, community and industry partners in various roles (e.g. client, industry advisor/mentor) were directly integrated into the creative arts curriculum and trialed over a period of two years. The benefits and insights gained by students through undertaking a client-based project and contact with industry professionals were investigated and are discussed in this exploratory study.

Item ID: 39958
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1175-2882
Keywords: creative arts education, industry integration, work placement, curriculum design, employability, work-integrated learning
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Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2015 04:13
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