Giving the OSCE a new shine: a framework for utilising OSCEs in nursing and midwifery education and postgraduate transition to practice

Knight, Sabina, Nulty, Duncan, Kelly, Michelle, Jeffrey, Carol, Glover, Pauline, Mitchell, Marion, Henderson, Amanda, and Groves, Michele (2014) Giving the OSCE a new shine: a framework for utilising OSCEs in nursing and midwifery education and postgraduate transition to practice. In: Abstracts from: ANZAHPE 2014. 16467. p. 84. From: ANZAHPE 2014: Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators Annual Conference, 7-10 July 2014, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

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This paper details an elegantly re-engineered education approach to the use of OSCEs in nursing education and practice transition including a remote context. OSCEs are widely and variedly used in health professional education to better prepare students and health professionals for practice. This project tested and further developed seven integrated Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs) to inform their most effective use within educational programs across contexts, several jurisdictions, programs and nursing settings. The OSCEs were used in both formative and summative assessment. The research team comprised a team of eight academics from six higher education institutions around Australia. This project has successfully trialled and as a consequence re-developed a set of eight BPGs to guide the development, teaching and assessment of OSCEs to increase student and health professional preparedness for practice. A major contribution to health professional education has been the formulation of an overall Implementation Framework to guide future use of the BPGs in other settings. Students and nurses indicated OSCEs strongly supported their learning and preparation for practice by providing meaningful authentic activities in an integrated manner. Academics readily adapted and embraced the BPGs within their OSCE development, delivery and student assessment. The Implementation Framework provides additional guidance to academic colleagues in how the BPGs improve student learning and how each guideline can be implemented by way of the Four Os. These include enhanced Opportunity, Organisation considerations, the required Oversight and important Outcome measures. The OSCEs assessed in this research (by evaluating student learning and academic input), were enhanced by utilising the BPGs. They provided both a theoretical and practical guide to increase the validity and reliability of student learning across a diverse set of four sites and contexts. OSCEs developed using the BPGs should be incorporated into nursing and midwifery curricula and practice standards to enhance safe authentic clinical practice.

Item ID: 38100
Item Type: Conference Item (Abstract / Summary)
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Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2015 00:33
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