No single divide: literacies, new technologies and school-defined versus self-selected purposes in curriculum and pedagogy

Lankshear, Colin (2006) No single divide: literacies, new technologies and school-defined versus self-selected purposes in curriculum and pedagogy. In: Marsh, Jackie, and Millard, Elaine, (eds.) Popular Literacies, Childhood and Schooling. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 111-127.

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This chapter presents a variation on two themes that are quite familiar to educationists interested in literacy education. These are, respectively, the idea of a digital divide and of differences and tensions between learners' in-school and out-of-school language and literacy practices. Since the mid- 1990s a growing corpus of work in literacy studies and allied fields has begun to focus on divides between home and community-based social practices involving digital technologies in which young people participate, and those they are recruited to within formal educational learning contexts (e.g. Chandler-Olcott and Mahar, 2003; Jacobs, 2004; Leander and McKim, 2003; Leander and Aplin, 2004). Unlike much of the work done on the digital divide - which measured differences between categories of people (e.g. by age, income, location, employment status, etc.) with respect to their physical access to, use of, and facility with computing technologies and the Internet - this emerging corpus is more qualitative than quantitative in emphasis. It is especially relevant to two high-profile themes within current educational research: namely, student (dis)engagement in learning and the degree of 'authenticity' inherent in learning activities.

Item ID: 3622
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-415-36451-5
Keywords: literacy education; literacy practices; digital technologies; student disengagement
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2009 04:13
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130399 Specialist Studies in Education not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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