Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific

Prideaux, Bruce, Timothy, Dallen J., and Chon, Kaye (2008) Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific. Routledge, New York, USA.

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[Extract] Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific is the result of lengthy discussions between the editors and colleagues in many countries and is based partially on a double special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. The call for papers for the special issue generated such a large response in submissions that two issues of the Journal (Vol. 9(3), Heritage in the Asia Pacific and Vol. 9(4), Cultural Tourism in the Asia Pacific) were required to publish some of the papers submitted. There were still a number of excellent papers remaining, and given that there is an ongoing debate occurring on many of the issues raised, the editors decided to publish the collection of papers from the special issue with a number of new chapters as a book. We believe that collectively the contributions provide a benchmark of current scholarly research into the main issues of heritage and culture in the Asia Pacific Region. While we acknowledge that the collection of chapters is not a definitive statement of the breath of research currently underway, it does provide a useful summary and highlights the ongoing nature of the issues that are the subject of scholarly debate. The overall aim of the book is to create a collection of work that both enhances current understanding and provides a guide to future research. In developing this book the editors were mindful of the need to include chapters by scholars within the region, as well as those who observe from afar, to provide a range of contrasting perspectives. This introductory chapter outlines the structure of the book before undertaking a review of some of the many issues raised by contributing authors.

Item ID: 27789
Item Type: Book (Edited)
ISBN: 978-0-415-36673-1
Keywords: heritage, Asia Pacific, culture
Additional Information:

This book is a special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.

Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2013 05:47
FoR Codes: 15 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 1506 Tourism > 150605 Tourism Resource Appraisal @ 100%
SEO Codes: 90 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND TOURISM > 9003 Tourism > 900302 Socio-Cultural Issues in Tourism @ 100%
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