Tagging through the stages: technical and ecological challenges in observing life histories through biologging

Shillinger, George L., Bailey, Helen, Bograd, Stephen J., Hazen, Elliot L., Hamann, Mark, Gaspar, Philippe, Godley, Brendan J., Wilson, Rory P., and Spotila, James R. (2012) Tagging through the stages: technical and ecological challenges in observing life histories through biologging. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 457. pp. 165-170.

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Biologging data have provided important insights into the biology of marine mammals, sea turtles, birds, fish, and some invertebrates. These techniques have primarily targeted adult organisms. As a result, the early life histories of many marine species are still poorly understood. Technological advances have enabled attachment of smaller tags to young animals, although equipment limitations, access to and capture/handling of animals, and equipment and data recovery pose additional challenges to researchers. In this Theme Section, we highlight novel uses of biologging data on juvenile animals, including reviews of tagging efforts on multiple life-history stages and the integration of oceanographic data in tagging efforts.

Item ID: 25812
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1616-1599
Keywords: electronic tags, tag attachment techniques, GPS tags, juveniles, ocean currents, ontogeny, hatchling dispersal models, satellite telemetry, conservation
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Article openly accessible from publisher website.

Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2013 04:05
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