Our image of the child

Carter, Margaret Anne, and Doherty-Roe, Nicole (2013) Our image of the child. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 1. pp. 1704-1709.

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Our image of the child influences our view of children, our relationship with, and expectations of them. An image of the child as unique, self-assured, capable, secure, loving, joyful, competent, the protagonist of their own learning and discovery, sets the parameters of engagement with children. The adult's role in promoting and consolidating this image begins with adults who intentionally build and models respectful relationships. Thus bullying, power over behaviours, are unacceptable and discouraged. One research question was examined in this online study: Is an adults' positive image of the child aligned with an authoritative paradigm of teaching and learning? Findings from this study form part of a larger study examining the adults' role in building young children's social capacity. Findings are intended to fill the gap in the research literature by identifying the positive image of the child with authoritatively teaching young children social behaviour.

Participants in this study are staff and parents of the Indooroopilly Montessori Children's Centre, Brisbane, Australia. A total of 25 participants responded to an online survey: 7 staff (Female = 7, Male = 0) and 18 parents (Females = 17, Males = 1). Respondents recorded their image of the child as a lifelong learner, active, curious, capable and confident individual. Findings identified children as lifelong learners in supportive relationships with trustworthy adults. Findings further identified that adults teach in ways that enable children to develop a positive sense of identity, by fostering wellbeing and connectedness with others in the social world. This teaching is based on secure, respectful, responsive, and reciprocal relationships between adults and children, and is enacted within teaching and learning environments that promote justice, beneficence, and peace.

Item ID: 25004
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1877-0428
Keywords: image of child; teaching and learning; social behaviour; authoritative paradigm; Montessori.
Additional Information:

Articles from this volume of Procedia were from the 3rd World Conference on Learning,Teaching and Educational Leadership edited by Hatice Ferhan Odabas.

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Funders: Ministry of Education
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2013 05:50
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