James Cook University's strategy to engage with the region through the development of a Singapore campus: re-imaging the tropics

Naylor, Stephen, and Hassan, Suhaimy (2012) James Cook University's strategy to engage with the region through the development of a Singapore campus: re-imaging the tropics. In: Proceedings of Australian International Education Conference (1) pp. 1-11. From: 2012 Australian International Education Conference, 2-5 October 2012, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

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The following paper provides a single longitudinal case study of an organisation that has employed strategy, policy and even procurement of space, within the tropical zone, in order to achieve its goals, of teaching & learning and research which are grounded in a sense of place. Much of the data has been gleaned from a literature review, interviews with key stakeholders and additional selected documents held by the University, all other information in this paper is supported by observational data. Whilst this paper does not seek to break new ground within the transnational education industry, it does attempt to provide a case study offering comparative data for other approaches and initiatives in higher education. As this paper seeks to report on nine years of operation in Singapore it is by no means a complete story. The final phase in embedding the strategic initiatives are currently being realised through a Tri-Campus Integration Strategy, where staff from all campuses contribute to an alignment of policies and procedures aimed at making one University in two Countries on three Campuses located in Townsville, Cairns and Singapore.

Item ID: 24069
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
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Also titled: Reimaging the tropics: a case study of a university engaging in Asia

Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2013 03:47
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