University-employer partnerships: an Australian perspective

Marsh, Helene (2012) University-employer partnerships: an Australian perspective. In: Kent, Julia D., and McCarthy, Maureen Terese, (eds.) Global Perspectives on Career Outcomes for Graduate Students: Tracking and Building Pathways. Proceedings of the 2011 Global Summit on Graduate Education . Council of Graduate Schools, Washington D.C., US, pp. 150-155.

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[Extract] The production of knowledge and the process of research are being radically transformed and these changes can directly affect the ways in which many doctoral candidates undertake their research. The old paradigm of knowledge discovery (Mode 1) circumscribed by disciplinary research and driven by the autonomy of researchers and their host institutions, the universities, is being superseded-but not replaced-by a new paradigm of knowledge production (Mode 2). Mode 2 research is done by teams of researchers who typically have different disciplinary backgrounds, theoretical perspectives, and skills. They assemble to work on a real-world problem in the context of its application: necessitating much closer links between the researchers and the users of the research. Researchers are brought together to form a team to address a problem. This team may be a virtual team, the members of which communicate electronically. The team dissolves when its work is finished only to be re-configured in a different constellation for another task (see Gibbons et al., 1994). Doctoral training in Australia is changing to reflect this transformation in knowledge production and the expectation that a relatively low proportion of graduates will spend their entire careers as academics in universities and will need to operate effectively in Mode 2 environments.

Item ID: 23650
Item Type: Book Chapter (Non-Research)
ISBN: 978-1-933042-37-4
Keywords: Australia, research training, higher education, university, employer, partnerships, research higher degrees
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Proceedings of the 2011 Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education

Funders: Council of Graduate Schools
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2013 05:44
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