Peklenski hrup ob prepovedi izdelkov: tržnokomunikacijski vidiki umika izdelkov Pan Harmaceuticals
Eagle, Lynne, Hawkins, Jacinta, Kitchen, Philip, and Rose, Lawrence C. (2007) Peklenski hrup ob prepovedi izdelkov: tržnokomunikacijski vidiki umika izdelkov Pan Harmaceuticals. Teorija in Praksal, 44 (5). pp. 762-784.
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Medicines, in their various forms, are an important part of daily life and health for many consumers across diverse cultures. However, beliefs and trust inherent in treatment are - at best - poorly understood. Major dislocation of trust occurs when the media report medical scandals, or when there are major health scares such as product contamination and mandatory product recalls. Notably, this area has not been extensively researched, with the exception being the 1982 Tylenol poisoning crisis in America (see, for example, Pearson and Clair, 1998). The mid-2003 government-ordered withdrawal of almost 2,000 complementary and alternative medicines, across multiple brand names in the Australian and New Zealand markets provides an opportunity to examine the impact on both the wide complementary and alternative medicines category and on brand sales and brand equity issues for both affected and unaffected brands. We focus on the impact of these events within the New Zealand market, and link the events surrounding the recall with the somewhat scant crisis management literature, and report on consumer perceptions of the sector six months after the recall event. We then offer conclusions and recommendations for the management of such events across national boundaries in the future.
Item ID: | 20388 |
Item Type: | Article (Research - C1) |
ISSN: | 0040-3598 |
Keywords: | complementary medicine, alternative medicine, brand equity, product withdrawal, corporate reputation, crisis management |
Additional Information: | Title (English): Product withdrawal pandemonium: marketing communication implications from the pan pharmaceuticals product withdrawals Abstract also available in (Slovenian): Pomemben del vsakdanjega življenja in zdravja številnih potrošnikov v različnih kulturah predstavljajo najrazličnejše oblike zdravil. Kljub temu so z zdravljenjem neločljivo povezana prepričanja in zaupanje potrošnikov v marketinški literaturi slabo raziskana. Znatna izguba zaupanja potrošnikov se lahko pojavi predvsem kot posledica medijskega poročanja o zdravstvenih škandalih ali kot posledica večjih zdravstvenih preplahov, kot so neustrezni izdelki in obvezni preklici teh izdelkov. Pomembno priložnost za tovrstno proučevanje vpliva umika izdelkov na obsežno kategorijo tako dopolnilnih kot tudi alternativnih zdravil, tako pri prizadetih kot tudi pri neprizadetih blagovnih znamkah, ponuja vladna odredba o umiku skoraj 2.000 dopolnilnih in alternativnih zdravil različnih blagovnih znamk z avstralskega in novozelandskega trga, ki se je zgodila v letu 2003. V tem članku se osredotočimo na vpliv, ki so ga imeli tovrstni dogodki na novozelandski trg, povežemo dogodke, ki obkrožajo preklic, z literaturo o kriznem menedžmentu, ter obenem predstavimo potrošniške zaznave šest mesecev po preklicu. Nato predstavimo sklepe in priporočila za prihodnje upravljanje s tovrstnimi dogodki v različnih državah. Ključni pojmi: dopolnilna zdravila, alternativna zdravila, krizni menedžement, umik izdelkov, tržno komuniciranje. |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jun 2013 06:04 |
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