Laboratory testing of soils, rocks and aggregates

Sivakugan, Siva, Arulrajah, Atputharajah, and Bo, Myint Win (2011) Laboratory testing of soils, rocks and aggregates. J. Ross Publishing, Fort Launderdale, FL, USA.

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Testing rocks and aggregates are rarely covered in soil testing books and there are no separate books on rock or aggregate testing. Laboratory Testing of Soils, Rocks and Aggregates includes laboratory testing methods for most tests for soils as well as rocks and aggregates, which are becoming increasingly common in professional practice and university teaching. Part A gives a general overview of laboratory measurements, equipment, units, safety and standards. Part B covers soil tests from grain size distribution to consolidation, triaxial and direct shear tests. Part C covers rock tests, which includes the indirect tensile strength test and point load test. Part D covers the common tests carried out routinely on aggregates, which includes the aggregate impact value test and Los Angeles abrasion test. Each test consists of the following descriptive parts: Objective, Standards, Introduction, Procedure, and Cost. References are made to ASTM International (ASTM), Australian (AS), British (BS) and International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) standards and any differences are noted.

Item ID: 17694
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 978-1-60427-047-1
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2012 01:48
FoR Codes: 09 ENGINEERING > 0905 Civil Engineering > 090501 Civil Geotechnical Engineering @ 100%
SEO Codes: 87 CONSTRUCTION > 8702 Construction Design > 870201 Civil Construction Design @ 100%
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