Preparing graduates for the professions: achieving employability through the exploration of near-world scenarios

Errington, Edward Peter (2010) Preparing graduates for the professions: achieving employability through the exploration of near-world scenarios. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5 (5). 1- 10.

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Scenario-based learning (SBL), founded on situated learning theory and the valuing of contextual knowledge, may provide one stratagem for getting students closer to the realities of their intended profession via the construction and deconstruction of near world scenario experiences in university settings. Scenario-based learning processes present students with realistic sets of circumstances, true-to-life professional tasks, authentic challenges and work-oriented role engagement - transacted through communication styles and within cultural parameters similar to those found in the actual setting. The literature suggests there are four main kinds of near-world scenarios used to enhance the prospects of employability in the professions; namely skills-based, problem-based, issues-based, and speculative-based scenarios respectively. Although each is designed to achieve particular purposes,the author’s experience as an academic development adviser in five universities (three countries),suggests that scenario approaches may be chosen arbitrarily, or habitually, by teachers selecting options from a limited knowledge of those available. Given the above, this paper focuses on two fundamental questions: Which SBL features are likely to promote graduate employability? Secondly, how might specific scenario-based approaches embed particular graduate attributes/skills?

Item ID: 14960
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1833-1882
Keywords: higher education, scenario-based learning, employability, graduate preparation
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2010 02:46
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