"The big test" : one school community’s responses to the Year 5 Aspects of Numeracy Test

Walls, Fiona (2005) "The big test" : one school community’s responses to the Year 5 Aspects of Numeracy Test. Report. Fiona Walls. (Unpublished)

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This research came into being through the collaborative efforts of the 'Ashton' School Principal and Deputy Principal, the Year 5 teachers at the school, fifteen of the Year 5 children, and seven of their parents, with the help of Dr Fiona Walls, mathematics education researcher and lecturer at James Cook University, North Queensland, Australia.

The research participants have expressed the hope that this report, which records their shared experiences of the Year 5 statewide standardised Numeracy Test of Queensland Australia, might provide others with important insights into the “grass roots” effects of significant education policy such as the Queensland Literacy and Numeracy assessment program, and that policy makers will take the findings of this research into account when planning for future directions in assessment. They hope that this small project will provide a springboard for wider research into the social impacts of education assessment policy.

All participants including the children appreciated becoming part of the research process and being given the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings about the Year 5 Numeracy Test. As Ana, one Year 5 child said in her final conversation, “I’d like to say thank you for being so interested in this work. I feel special, because I get interviewed.”

Item ID: 1304
Item Type: Report (Report)
Keywords: primary mathematics education; standardized assessment; pencil-and-paper tests; school community research; children's voices; social impacts; mathematics education policy
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2007
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION @ 0%
13 EDUCATION > 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy > 130208 Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy @ 0%
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