Milledge, Russell, Campbell, Steven, Holdsworth, Jason, and Youdell, Becki (2010) COVE. [Creative Work]

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A subtle interactive space filled with ephemeral light sources, projection and sound. Ethereal impressions reminiscent of meteorological effects create a transformative environment inhabited by Bonemap performers. Large forms are seamlessly integrated into the work as both sculptural elements and projection surfaces. Through the reinterpretation and creative visualisation of ancient landmass and fleeting atmospheric effects the work represents the sanctuary of a 'cove'. Sculptural representations of sea passages and landing sites integrate with media and performance to complete the immersive quality of the installation.

Created as an interactive media arts experience that transforms the interior of the theatre into an immersive space that places the audience at the centre of an imaginary geography. The work uses a topographical metaphor where historical and contemporary art intersect in an expression of new media.

Russell Milledge and Rebecca Youdell of Bonemap have collaborated with sound artist Steven Campbell, computer programmer Jason Holdsworth and other creative artists to construct an innovative new work dealing with the nature of space, the cultural significance and ephemeral quality of light and performance – dancing light.

Research Statement

Research Background COVE is an interactive media arts experience that transforms the interior of the theatre into an immersive space that places the audience at the centre of an imaginary geography. The work uses a topographical metaphor where historical and contemporary art intersect in an expression of new media arts.
Research Contribution COVE is a contemporary artwork that takes the relationship of sculpture and performance to a new level by engaging an infrared tracking system allowing the audiences movements to interact with projected lights and imagery in the space. While the research for this work has focused on technical innovation, audiences entering the work navigate their way through sculptural screens and vapour zones, engaging with dance performance and spatial surround sound.
Research Significance The work has been included in the 2010 creative program of KickArts Contemporary Arts, Queensland, Australia. Review in Realtime :
Item ID: 11932
Item Type: Creative Work (Recorded/Rendered Work - Performance - NTRO)
Media of Output: Dance, Music, Video
Event Details: COVE 2010
Cairns, QLD, Australia
29 April - 1 May 2010
Keywords: Contemporary Art, Interactive Art, Computer vision system, performance, dance, visual arts, sculpture, Bonemap
Funders: KickArts Contemporary Arts, James Cook University, Cairns Regional Council, Arts Queensland
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2011 05:36
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190504 Performance and Installation Art @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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