The role of environment and microorganisms in diseases of corals: overview of DAO Special 5

Kim, Kiho, Page, Cathie A., and Harvell, C. Drew (2009) The role of environment and microorganisms in diseases of corals: overview of DAO Special 5. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 87 (1-2). pp. 1-3.

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Coral reefs are in decline worldwide. In the last several decades, bleaching and disease in a warming ocean have emerged as dominant drivers of ecological change on coral reefs. This special issue of DAO presents papers based on presentations from the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium (2008, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA). The articles herein document disease outbreaks involving novel hosts, pathogens and/or locations, experimental studies investigating processes and mechanisms underlying pathogen dynamics, and the application of increasingly sophisticated laboratory and modeling approaches to understanding disease epizootiology.

Item ID: 10542
Item Type: Article (Editorial)
ISSN: 1616-1580
Keywords: marine science; coral; disease; bleaching; climate change; epizootiology; modelling
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Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2010 00:18
FoR Codes: 06 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 0605 Microbiology > 060502 Infectious Agents @ 33%
06 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 0608 Zoology > 060808 Invertebrate Biology @ 33%
07 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES > 0707 Veterinary Sciences > 070704 Veterinary Epidemiology @ 34%
SEO Codes: 96 ENVIRONMENT > 9608 Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity > 960899 Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity of Environments not elsewhere classified @ 33%
96 ENVIRONMENT > 9608 Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity > 960808 Marine Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity @ 33%
96 ENVIRONMENT > 9603 Climate and Climate Change > 960399 Climate and Climate Change not elsewhere classified @ 34%
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