New marine ∆R values for the South Pacific subtropical gyre region

Petchey, Fiona, Anderson, Atholl, Zondervan, Albert, Ulm, Sean, and Hogg, Alan (2008) New marine ∆R values for the South Pacific subtropical gyre region. Radiocarbon, 50 (3). pp. 373-397.

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This paper presents 31 new ΔR results of known-age, pre-AD 1950 shells from the South Pacific subtropical gyre region, spanning from the Tuamotu Archipelago in the east to New Caledonia in the west. This doubles the number of available ΔR values for the Oceania region. These values indicate that the regional offset (∆R) from the modeled radiocarbon marine age has remained relatively constant over the last 100 yr prior to 1950. Variation from the norm can be attributed to various influences including localized upwelling around islands, the presence of a hardwater effect, direct ingestion of old carbon by the live shellfish, or enhanced exchange with atmospheric CO2 as a consequence of photosynthetic activity or increased aeration.

Item ID: 15735
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 0033-8222
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Copyright Information: © 2008 by the Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2011 03:21
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