Items where Subject is "18 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 1801 Law > 180111 Environmental and Natural Resources Law"
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- 180111 Environmental and Natural Resources Law (42)
- 1801 Law (734)
Dabner, Justin (2016) Coalition's "emissions trading scheme" commences. Austaxpolicy: Tax and Transfer Policy Blog, August 2016. pp. 1-4.
Dabner, Justin (2015) Linking the Tōkyō Emissions Trading Scheme. Journal of Japanese Law, 20 (39). pp. 169-198.
Galloway, Kate (2015) Barrier Reef remains under threat. Alternative Law Journal, 40 (2). p. 140.
Bergseth, Brock J., Russ, Garry R., and Cinner, Joshua E. (2015) Measuring and monitoring compliance in no-take marine reserves. Fish and Fisheries, 16 (2). pp. 240-258.
Galloway, Kate (2014) Planning law is not property: sea level change in Queensland. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 10 December 2014.
Galloway, Kate (2014) Why the Great Barrier Reef should have legal standing. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 2 February 2014.
Dabner, Justin (2014) A comparison of the Australian and Tōkyō emissions trading schemes. Journal of Japanese Law, 38. pp. 3-28.
Galloway, Kathrine (2013) The ecology of land regulation in Queensland. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 2 June 2013.
Dabner, Justin (2013) Australia and Japan: cultural divergence and convergence: the fiscal response to climate change instruction. University of Tokyo Center for Pacific and American Studies Newsletter, 13 (2). pp. 1-3.
Galloway, Kate, and Ardill, Allan (2013) Green Tape. Alternative Law Journal, 38 (4). p. 279.
Kurokawa, Satoshi, and Dabner, Justin (2013) Japan's new direction on climate change. East Asia Forum, 3 July 2013.
Galloway, Kate (2013) Move on powers for bats. Alternative Law Journal, 38 (2). p. 131.
Galloway, Kate (2012) Reef's standing threatened by governance? Alternative Law Journal, 37 (3). p. 209.
Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Coal Mine to go Ahead. Alternative Law Journal, 37 (2). p. 137.
Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Landowners’ vs miners' property interests: the unsustainability of property as dominion. Alternative Law Journal, 37 (2). 77. pp. 1-5.
Galloway, Kate (2012) How the law constructs the environment: the Wandoan coal case. Curl: property law, public/private, contemporary legal issues, 3 April 2012.
Thiriet, Dominique (2011) Conservation shouldn't be a popularity contest. The Conversation, 2011. pp. 1-4.
Thiriet, Dominique (2010) Flying fox conservation laws, policies and practices in Australia - a case study in conserving unpopular species. Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, 13 (2). pp. 161-194.
Turton, David (2010) Wading in: environmental governance and Queensland's Clean Waters Act 1971. James Cook University Law Review, 17. pp. 46-82.
Thiriet, Dominique (2007) In the spotlight - the welfare of introduced wild animals in Australia. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 24 (6). pp. 417-426.
Thiriet, Dominique (2007) Out of the "too hard basket" - traditional hunting and animal welfare. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 24 (1). pp. 59-73.
Preece, Noel (2007) Traditional and ecological fires and effects of bushfire laws in north Australian savannas. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16 (4). pp. 378-389.
Havemann, Paul, Thiriet, Dominique, Marsh, Helene, and Jones, Craig (2005) Traditional use of marine resources agreements and dugong hunting in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 22 (4). pp. 258-280.
Skerratt, Lee (2002) Letters. Australian Veterinary Journal, 80 (11). p. 671.
Rothwell, Donald R., and Kaye, Stuart B. (2001) A legal framework for integrated oceans and coastal management in Australia. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 18 (3). pp. 278-292.
Cavanagh, J.E. (2000) Comparison of the environmental regulation of land management in the Sugar Industry under the Sugar Industry Act 1991 (Qld), the Sugar Industry Bill 1999 and the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (Qld). Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 17 (2). pp. 118-125.
Dale, A.P. (1992) Aboriginal councils and natural resource use planning: participation by bargaining and negotiation. Australian Geographical Studies, 30 (1). pp. 9-26.
Preece, Noel (1984) The NPWS and residential subdivisions adjacent to National Parks. Environmental Law Newsletter, 15. pp. 27-33.
Book Chapter
Amankwah, Alex (2006) Traditional and customary land tenure and appurtenant rights: reflections on critical factors of an ecologically sustainable Australian outback. In: Smajgl, Alex, and Larson, Silva, (eds.) Adapting Rules for Sustainable Resource Use. CSIRO, Townsville, QLD, Australia, pp. 79-103.
Dale, Allan, and Taylor, Bruce (2014) Land tenure and development in northern Australia. Report Section. The Regional Australia Institute, James Cook University, Central Queensland University, The University of Notre Dame and Ninti One, Queensland, Australia.
Conference Item
Dabner, Justin (2015) Three ways to skin a cat: fiscal responses to climate change: Australia, California and Tokyo compared. In: Presentations from the The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference. From: SLS 2016: The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference: legislation and the role of the judiciary, 1-4 September 2015, York, UK.
Dabner, Justin (2015) Fiscal responses to climate change in Australia: a comparison with California. In: Presentations from the 2015 Law and Society Association Annual Conference. From: 2015 Law and Society Association Annual Conference, 28-31 May 2015, Seattle, WA, USA.
Dabner, Justin (2015) The Australian and Tokyo Emissions Trading Schemes: two ways to skin a cat. In: [Presented at the Sydney-Tokyo Tax Conference 2015]. From: Sydney-Tokyo Tax Conference 2015, 16-17 February 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
Dabner, Justin (2014) Linking emissions trading schemes. In: Papers from the 2014 Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference. From: ATTA 2014: Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference, 20-22 January 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Dabner, Justin (2014) One Law for all: multiculturalism and legal plurality in Australia. In: Papers from the Australian Studies Association of Japan International Conference. pp. 1-28. From: ASAJ 2014: Australian Studies Association of Japan International Conference: transformation of Australian studies in a globalizing age, 26-27 July 2014, Tokyo, Japan. (Unpublished)
Dabner, Justin (2014) A comparison of the Australian and Tokyo emissions trading schemes. In: Papers from the 12th ANJeL Symposium on Japanese Law. From: 12th ANJeL Symposium on Japanese Law, 16 May 2014, Cairns, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Dabner, Justin (2013) 'You're gunna get wacked!' The political economy of the Australian carbon and mining tax reforms. In: Papers from the Australian Studies Association of Japan Annual Conference. From: Australian Studies Association of Japan Annual Conference, 8-9 June 2013, Nagoya, Japan. (Unpublished)
Thiriet, Dominique (2012) Recreational, conservation and traditional hunting: the ethical dimensions. In: Proceedings of the 2012 RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar. pp. 12-19. From: 2012 RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar, 28 February 2012, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Havemann, Paul (2008) Spatial closures for dugong and turtle management in the Torres Strait: some legal issues and questions. In: Spatial Closures as Possible Management Tools for Community-based Management of Dugongs and Turtles in Torres Strait: outcomes of Torres Strait Spatial Closures Workshop. pp. 19-20. From: Torres Strait Spatial Closures Workshop, 14-16 October 2008, Thursday Island, QLD, Australia.
Sungaila, Helen, and McEwan, Alex (2008) As to any climate change: is it not time that we academic lawyers cease to pose the question and to begin to provide an answer? In: Australasian Law Teachers Conference (63) p. 162. From: 2008 Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?, 6-9 July 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Thiriet, Dominique (2008) Warts and all: laws, policies and practice for the management of unpopular species. In: Australasian Law Teachers Association 63rd Annual Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?. p. 73. From: 2008 Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: the law, the environment, Indigenous peoples: climate for change?, 6-9 July 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Kuwimb, Mako (2010) A critical study of the resource curse thesis and the experience of Papua New Guinea. PhD thesis, James Cook University.