Items where Subject is "16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1608 Sociology > 160803 Race and Ethnic Relations"
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- 1608 Sociology (725)
- 160803 Race and Ethnic Relations (70)
- 1608 Sociology (725)
Bozkurt, Veysel, Tartanoglu, Safak, and Dawes, Glenn (2015) Masculinity and violence: sex roles and violence endorsement among university students. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 205. pp. 254-260.
Petray, Theresa (2015) Taking back voice: Indigenous social media activism. Australian Quarterly, 86 (1). pp. 24-27.
Dawes, Glenn, Coventry, Garry, Moston, Stephen, and Palmer, Darren (2014) Sudanese Australians and crime: police and community perspectives. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 477.
Petray, Theresa (2013) Punishing truancy is not the answer in Indigenous communities. The Conversation, 17 December 2013.
Dawes, Glenn (2013) Sudanese "Lost Boys" and their interactions with the criminal justice system in Queensland Australia. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 6 (1). pp. 73-89.
Barnes-Mauthe, Michele, Arita, Shawn, Allen, Stewart D., Gray, Steven A., and PingSun, Leung (2013) The influence of ethnic diversity on social network structure in a common-pool resource system: implications for collaborative management. Ecology and Society, 18 (1). 23.
O'Mara, Ben, Gill, Gurjeet K., Babacan, Hurriyet, and Donahoo, Daniel (2012) Digital technology, diabetes and culturally and linguistically diverse communities: a case study with elderly women from the Vietnamese community. Health Education Journal, 71 (4). pp. 491-504.
Hayes, Anna (2012) HIV/AIDS in Xinjiang: a serious 'ill' in an 'autonomous' region. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 8 (1). pp. 77-102.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2012) Racism denial in Australia: the power of silence. Australian Mosaic, 32. pp. 1-2.
Dawes, Glenn Desmond (2011) The challenges of reintegrating Indigenous youth after their release from detention. Journal of Youth Studies, 14 (6). pp. 693-707.
Li, Wendy, Hodgetts, Darrin, and Stolte, Ottilie (2010) Chinese elders in New Zealand: reconstructing selves in gardens. Overseas Chinese Studies, 3. pp. 148-161.
Bozkurt, Veysel, Bayram, Nuran, Furnham, Adrian, and Dawes, Glenn (2010) The Protestent work ethic and hedonism among Kyrgyz, Turkish and Australian college students. Društvena Istraživanja (Journal of General Social Sciences), 19 (4-5). pp. 749-769.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2010) The rights and needs of children in migration and settlement. Australian Mosaic (26). pp. 25-27.
Li, Wendy Wen, and Groot, Shiloh (2010) Book review of "At home in the Chinese diaspora: memories, identities and belongings" edited by Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng and Andrew P. Davidson, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 6 (1). pp. 145-147.
Petray, Theresa L. (2010) Support vs. solidarity: white involvement in the Aboriginal movement. Social Alternatives, 29 (3). pp. 69-72.
Dawes, Glenn, and Bozkurt, Veysel (2010) The changing world of work and youth: a comparative research of Australian and Turkish university students' perceptions about the changing world of work. World Applied Sciences Journal, 9 (12). pp. 1343-1349.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Babacan, Alperhan (2009) Social inclusion, multiculturalism and difference. Australian Mosaic, 23. pp. 18-20.
Coughlan, James E. (2008) Korean-Australians: present and impending contributions to Australia's future - an outsider's perspective. cross-culture: Journal of Theology and Ministerial Practice, 1 (1). pp. 51-62.
Coughlan, James E. (2008) The changing spatial distribution and concentration of Australia's Chinese and Vietnamese communities: an analysis of 1986-2006 Australian Population Census data. Journal of Population Research, 25 (2). pp. 161-182.
Babacan, Alperhan, and Babacan, Hürriyet (2008) Detention Downunder: new directions in the detention of asylum seekers in Australia. Uluslararasi Hukuk ve Politika, 4 (15). pp. 137-148.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Australians all: the values debate. Australian Mosaic, 17. pp. 6-9.
Babacan, Alper, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Multiculturalism in Australia. Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 9 (3). pp. 25-38.
Vick, Malcolm (2007) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids and bikes: socio-cultural factors and safety. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 7 (2). pp. 1-9.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Babacan, Alperhan (2007) Achieving social cohesion: impact of insecurity, fear and racism on migrant integration. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7 (5). pp. 213-222.
Babacan, Alperhan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) New racism and fear: the Cronulla riots and racial violence in Australia. Uluslararasi Hukuk ve Politika, 3 (10). pp. 147-152.
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Ties that bind: marriage and partner choice in the Indian community in Australia in a transnational context. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 14 (4). pp. 507-526.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2006) Locating identity: sense of space, place and belonging. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 5 (5). pp. 113-124.
Pittaway, Eileen, and Rees, Susan (2006) Multiple jeopardy: domestic violence and the notion of cumulative risk for women in refugee camps. Women Against Violence, 18. pp. 18-25.
Galloway, Greta (2005) Equivocating on reconciliation. Australian Social Work, 58 (3). pp. 257-274.
Rees, Susan (2003) Refuge or retrauma? the impact of asylum seeker status on the wellbeing of East Timorese women asylum seekers residing in the Australian community. Australasian Psychiatry, 11 (S1). pp. 96-101.
Book Chapter
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Babacan, Alperhan (2013) Equal valued status: belonging, identity and place. In: Steiner, Niklaus, Mason, Robert, and Hayes, Anna, (eds.) Migration and Insecurity: citizenship and social inclusion in a transnational era. Routledge Research on the Global Politics of Migration . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 149-168.
Herrmann, Peter, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2013) Introduction. In: Babacan, Hurriyet, and Herrmann, Peter, (eds.) Nation state and ethnic diversity. Global Political Studies . Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 1-3.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Herrmann, Peter (2013) Nation state, social cohesion and cultural diversity. In: Babacan, Hurriyet, and Herrmann, Peter, (eds.) Nation State and Ethnic Diversity. Global Political Studies . Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 19-36.
Herrmann, Peter, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2013) The state as a mechanism of exclusion: Nationhood, citizenship, ethnicity. In: Babacan, Hurriyet, and Herrmann, Peter, (eds.) Nation State and Ethnic Diversity. Global Political Studies . Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 5-17.
Cunneen, Chris (2012) About the condition of the Aborigines of Australia. In: Dassonville, Stephane Pessina, (ed.) Le Statut des Peuples Autochones: a la croisée des savoirs. Karthala, Paris, France, pp. 261-264.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2010) Immigration, nation state and belonging. In: Babacan, Alperhan, and Singh, Supriya, (eds.) Migration, Belonging and the Nation State. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 7-30.
Cunneen, Chris (2009) Law, policing and public order: the aftermath of Cronulla. In: Noble, Greg, (ed.) Lines in the Sand: the Cronulla riots, multiculturalism and national belonging. Institute of Criminology Series , 28 . Institute of Criminology Press, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 220-231.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2009) Women and religion. In: Jupp, James, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Religion in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 695-711.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Gopalkrishnan, Narayan (2008) New racisms and asylum seekers in Australia. In: Babacan, Alperhan, and Briskman, Linda, (eds.) Asylum seekers: international perspectives on interdiction and deterrence. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 143-157.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Contemporary challenges for anti-racism: issues and strategies. In: Gopalkrishnan, Narayan, and Babacan, Hurriyet, (eds.) Racisms in the New World Order: realities of cultures, colours and identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 186-202.
Cunneen, Chris (2007) Riot, resistance and moral panic: demonising the colonial other. In: Poynting, Scott, and Morgan, George, (eds.) Outrageous! Moral Panics in Australia. ACYS Publishing, Hobart, TAS, Australia, pp. 20-29.
Cunneen, Chris (2007) The effects of colonial policy: genocide, racism and Aboriginal people in Australia. In: Prum, Michel, Deschamps, Bénédicte, and Barbier, Marie-Claude, (eds.) Racial, Ethnic, and Homophobic Violence: killing in the name of otherness. Routledge-Cavendish, London, UK, pp. 17-30.
Rees, Susan (2003) Prolonging trauma in the lucky country: the experiences of East Timorese women asylum seekers residing in the Australian community. In: Barnes, Diana, (ed.) Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia: issues of mental health and wellbeing. Transcultural Mental Health Centre, Parramatta, NSW, Australia, pp. 80-100.
Coventry, Garry, Dawes, Glenn, Moston, Stephen, and Palmer, Darren (2015) Sudanese Refugees Experiences with the Queensland Criminal Justice System: report to the Criminology Research Advisory Council. External Commissioned Report. Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Hollinsworth, David (2009) Confronting Racism in Communities Project: a final report on the nature and extent of racism in Queensland. Report. Centre for Multicultural Pastoral care, Paddington.
Conference Item
Petray, Theresa, and Stephens, Anne (2015) Refereed proceedings of TASA 2015 conference: neoliberalism and contemporary challenges for the Asia-Pacific. In: Proceedings of the Australian Sociological Society Conference (2015) From: TASA 2015: Australian Sociological Society Conference: neoliberalism and contemporary challenges for the Asia-Pacific, 23-26 November 2015, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Kamble, Zilmiyah, and Bouchon, Frederic (2014) Reinforcing social cohesion in a post-war destination via tourism. In: Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism Management. p. 16. From: 2nd International Conference on Hospitality & Tourism Management, 7-8 October 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Hayes-Jonkers, Charmaine, Wright, Adele, Golding, Lisa, and Singer, Cliff (2013) Hidden racism and systematic racism: is it contributing to the decreased health and well-being of Aboriginal homeless persons in the inner city of Cairns? In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity. pp. 117-128. From: Third International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity, 29-31 August 2012, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Hayes, Anna (2012) Competing historical accounts and the importance of nationalised mythology: Han Chinese 'imaginaries' and Uighur 'realities'. In: The British World: religion, memory, society, culture: refereed proceedings of the conference. pp. 341-354. From: The British World: religion, memory, society, culture, 2-5 July 2012, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia.
Coughlan, James E. (2008) Temporal variations in the spatial distribution of Australia's Chinese communities. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Australian Sociological Association. pp. 1-28. From: Re-imagining Sociology, 2-5 December 2008, The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Coughlan, James E. (2008) The changing spatial distribution of Australia's Vietnamese communities. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Australian Sociological Association 2008. pp. 1-34. From: Re-imagining Sociology, 2-5 December 2008, The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2008) Addressing denial: the first step in responding to racism. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order. pp. 1-10. From: Second International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order, 6-7 December 2007, Pelican Waters, QLD, Australia.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2006) Challenges of anti-racism. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Racism in the New World Order: realities of colour, culture and identity. pp. 35-43. From: International Conference on Racism in the New World Order: realities of colour, culture and identity, 8-9 December 2005, Coolum, QLD, Australia.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2006) Family in the context of migration: challenges of inclusion in multicultural Australia. In: Conference proceedings of Multicultural Families: investing in the nation’s future. pp. 7-17. From: Multicultural families: investing in the nation's future, 23-24 June 2004, Sippy Downs, Qld, Australia.
Smallwood, Gracelyn (2015) Indigenist Critical Realism: human rights and first Australians' wellbeing. Ontological Explorations . Routledge, London, UK.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Herrmann, Peter (2013) Nation State and Ethnic Diversity. Global Political Studies . Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA.
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2013) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity. The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Cheshire, Lynda, Broom, Alex, McCallum, David, Bond, Christine, Shuttleworth, Russell, Osbaldiston, Nick, Shaw, Sylvie, Marshall, Penelope, Dempsey, Deborah, Hewitt, Belinda, Collyer, Fran, Lorman, Douglas, Hickey, Andrew, Vasta, Ellie, Koleth, Elsna, Williamson, Becky, Ford, Margot, Ozkul, Derya, Broom, Alexander, Cheshire, Lynda, Zinn, Jens O., Possamai-Inesedy, Alphia, Crichton, Merrilyn, Thompson, Lyndal-Joy, Chesters, Jenny, Sikora, Joanna, Rice, James, Spies-Butcher, Ben, Bowman, Dina, Matthews, Julie, Patulny , Roger, Sinclair, Jennifer, Holmes, Mary, Petray, Theresa, Ezzy, Douglas, Halahoff, Anna, Woodman, Dan, Threadgold, Steve, MacLean, Sarah, Harley, Kirsten, Natalier, Kris, Masterman-Smith, Helen, Barton, Ruth, Moskos, Megan, and Gregory, Sheree (2012) Emerging and Enduring Inequalities. Proceedings of the Australian Sociological Association . The Australian Sociological Association, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Babacan, Hurriyet, Gopalkrishnan, Narayan, and Babacan, Alperhan (2009) Situating Racism: the local, national, and the global. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2009) Ethnic Minorities: negotiating identity in Australia. VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Babacan, Alperhan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2009) Seeking Asylum in a Global World: a comparative analysis of refugee and asylum seeker citizenship rights, laws and policies in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. VDM Verlag, Saarbrucken, Germany.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Gopalskrishnan, Narayan (2007) Racisms in the New World Order: realities of cultures, colours and identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK.
Gopalkrishan, Narayan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2006) International Conference on Racism in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity: conference proceedings. University of the Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia.
Egan, Tracey Anne (2018) "What is going on here?" Challenges experienced by white teachers in a government school in a remote Aboriginal community. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Howard, Rosalie Anne (2015) Towards a decolonizing practice: a qualitative inquiry informed by non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders working together. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan (2012) Yoga therapy and the health of refugees. PhD thesis, Curtin University of Technology.
Bluett, Margaret (2005) Nightingales in Terra Nova : a study of the immigration experiences of Iranian Baha'is in Sydney and Canberra from 1960 to 1998. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Bond, Hilary (2004) 'We're the mob you should be listening to': Aboriginal elders talk about community school relationships on Mornington Island. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Van der Veen, Roger Neal (2004) The settlement experience of Asian immigrant and humanitarian entrant people living in the Australian regional centre of Coffs Harbour, New South Wales. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Yagi, Chiemi (2003) Tourist encounters with other tourists. PhD thesis, James Cook University.