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Pardo Vargas, Lain Efrain, and Campbell, Mason (2019) How oil palm can become more ecologically friendly. Australasian Science, 40. pp. 35-37.

Nelson, Paul N., Banabas, Murom, Goodrick, Iain, Webb, Michael J., Huth, Neil I., and O'Grady, Damien (2015) Soil sampling in oil palm plantations: a practical design that accounts for lateral variability at the tree scale. Plant and Soil, 394 (1-2). pp. 421-429.

Goodrick, Iain, Nelson, Paul N., Banabas, Murom, Wurster, Christopher M., and Bird, Michael I. (2015) Soil carbon balance following conversion of grassland to oil palm. GCB Bioenergy, 7 (2). pp. 263-272.

Zhang, Ke, Dearing, John A., Dawson, Terence P., Dong, Xuhui, Yang, Xiangdong, and Zhang, Weiguo (2015) Poverty alleviation strategies in eastern China lead to critical ecological dynamics. Science of the Total Environment, 506-507. pp. 164-181.

Gilroy, James J., Edwards, Felicity A., Medina Uribe, Claudia A., Haugaasen, Torbjørn, and Edwards, David P. (2014) Surrounding habitats mediate the trade-off between land-sharing and land-sparing agriculture in the tropics. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (5). pp. 1337-1346.

Nelson, P.N., Webb, M.J., Banabas, M., Nake, S., Goodrick, I., Gordon, J., O'Grady, D., and Dubos, B. (2014) Methods to account for tree-scale variability in soil- and plant-related parameters in oil palm plantations. Plant and Soil, 374 (1-2). pp. 459-471.

Nelson, P.N., Banabas, M., Nake, S., Goodrick, I., Webb, M.J., and Gabriel, E. (2014) Soil fertility changes following conversion of grassland to oil palm. Soil Research, 52 (7). pp. 698-705.

Rasiah, V., Armour, J.D., and Nelson, P.N. (2013) Nitrate in shallow fluctuating groundwater under sugarcane: quantifying the lateral export quantities to surface waters. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 180. pp. 103-110.

Armour, J.D., Nelson, P.N., Daniells, J.W., Rasiah, V., and Inman-Bamber, N.G. (2013) Nitrogen leaching from the root zone of sugarcane and bananas in the humid tropics of Australia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 180. pp. 68-78.

Thomas, C.R., Gordon, I.J., Wooldridge, S., and Marshall, P. (2012) Balancing the tradeoffs between ecological and economic risks for the Great Barrier Reef: a pragmatic conceptual framework. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 18 (1). pp. 69-91.

Webb, Michael J., Nelson, Paul N., Rogers, L. Gary, Curry, George N., Pasquin, Julie M.C., and Johnston, Adrian M. (2012) Site-specific fertilizer recommendations for oil palm smallholders using information from large plantations. Better Crops with Plant Food, 96 (4). pp. 10-12.

Addison, J., Friedel, M., Brown, C., Davies, Jocelyn, and Waldron, S. (2012) A critical review of degradation assumptions applied to Mongolia's Gobi Desert. Rangeland Journal, 34 (2). pp. 125-137.

Karmokar, Provash Kumar, Shitan, Mahendran, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2011) Multicointegration analysis on the high yielding Boro rice of six selected districts in Bangladesh. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (19). pp. 4654-4660.

Webb, Michael J., Nelson, Paul N., Rogers, L. Gary, and Curry, George N. (2011) Site-specific fertilizer recommendations for oil palm smallholders using information from large plantations. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 174 (2). pp. 311-320.

Crowder, David W., Northfield, Tobin D., Strand, Michael R., and Snyder, William E. (2011) Organic agriculture promotes evenness and natural pest control. Nature, 466. pp. 109-112.

Moloney, P.D., Hearne, J.W., Gordon, I.J., and McLeod, S.R. (2011) Portfolio optimization techniques for a mixed-grazing scenario for Australia's rangelands. Natural Resource Modeling, 24 (1). pp. 102-116.

Rader, Romina, Howlett, Bradley G., Cunningham, Saul A., Westcott, David, Newstrom-Lloyd, Linda E., Walker, Melanie K., Teulon, David A.J., and Edwards, Will (2009) Alternative pollinator taxa are equally efficient but not as effective as the honeybee in a mass flowering crop. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (5). pp. 1080-1087.

Satje, Anna, and Nelson, Paul (2009) Bentonite treatments can improve the nutrient and water holding capacity of sugarcane soils in the wet tropics. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 31. pp. 166-176.

Petheram, Cuan, Bristow, Keith L., and Nelson, Paul N. (2008) Understanding and managing groundwater and salinity in a tropical conjunctive water use irrigation district. Agricultural Water Management, 95 (10). pp. 1167-1179.

Campbell, Bruce M., Gordon, Iain J., Luckert, Martin K., Petheram, Lisa, and Vetter, Susanne (2006) In search of optimal stocking regimes in semi-arid grazing lands: one size does not fit all. Ecological Economics, 60 (1). pp. 75-85.

McAllister, Ryan R.J., Gordon, Iain J., Janssen, Marco A., and Abel, Nick (2006) Pastoralists' responses to variation of rangeland resources in time and space. Ecological Applications, 16 (2). pp. 572-583.

Quetier, Fabien F., and Gordon, Iain J. (2003) 'Horsiculture': how important a land use change in Scotland? Scottish Geographical Journal, 119 (2). pp. 153-158.

Comia, Reynaldo A., Stenberg, Maria, Nelson, Paul, Rydberg, Tomas, and Hakansson, Inge (1994) Soil and crop responses to different tillage systems. Soil and Tillage Research, 29 (4). pp. 335-355.

Book Chapter

Bhattarai, Surya P., Su, Ninghu, and Midmore, David, J. (2005) Oxygation unlocks yield potentials of crops in oxygen-limited soil environments. In: Sparks, Donald L., (ed.) Advances in Agronomy. Elsevier, pp. 313-377.


Cheesman, Alexander W., Nelson, Paul N., Lim, Han She, Todd, Shannon, Kaartinen-Price, Jai, MacGregor, Colin, Datta, Bithin, Owen, Liz, and Ah-Kee, Dennis (2020) Denitrification bioreactor trial in the Russell River catchment of the Wet Tropics: final report. Report. James Cook University, Cairns, Qld, Australia.

Pardon, Lenaic, Bockstaller, Christian, Marichal, Raphaël, Sionita, Ribka, Nelson, Paul N., Gabrielle, Benoît, Laclau, Jean-Paul, Pujianto, Pujianto, Caliman, Jean-Pierre, and Bessou, Cécile (2019) IN-Palm - Technical Report: an agri-environmental indicator to assess potential nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations. Manual. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Parker, Anthony, Nogueira, Daniel, and Fitzpatrick, Lee (2014) Meat goat producer survey. Report. Meat and Livestock Australia, Sydney.

Rogers, Gary, Webb, Mike, and Nelson, Paul (2006) Site specific fertiliser recommendations to increase income of smallholder oil palm producers in West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. Report. PNG Oil Palm Research Association, Kimbe, Papua New Guinea.

Webb, Ian, Hateley, Louise, Nelson, Paul, and Dwyer, Mike (2005) Salinity risk for in the Cattle Creek sub-catchment of the Mitchell River, Queensland. Report. Qld Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water, Mareeba, QLD, Australia.

Conference Item

Agegnehu, Getachew, Nelson, Paul N., and Bird, Michael I. (2016) Impact of biochar, compost and biochar-compost on crop yield, soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural soils. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering. 2141. pp. 194-209. From: LSBE: 5th International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering, 22-24 November 2016, Kyoto, Japan.

Nelson, Paul, Dickinson, Geoff, Pattison, Tony, Masters, Bronwyn, Armour, John, and Weinert, Matt (2015) Bananas and mangoes: fertiliser and ground cover management to benefit production, soil and the environment. In: Abstracts from TropAg2015. P202. pp. 182-183. From: TropAg 2015: Tropical Agriculture Conference: meeting the productivity challenge in the Tropics, 16-18 November 2015, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Banabas, Murom, Nelson, Paul N., and Webb, Mike J. (2015) Influence of soil nitrogen fertilisers on soil acidification in Papua New Guinea. In: ACIAR Proceedings (144) p. 44. From: Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 7-8 November 2013, Medan, Indonesia.

Prabowo, Noto E., and Nelson, Paul N. (2015) K and Mg retention and losses, as affected by soil and other site factors. In: ACIAR Proceedings (144) p. 27. From: Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 7-8 November 2013, Medan, Indonesia.

Pardon, L., Bessou, C., Nelson, P., Caliman, J., Marichal, R., Dubos, B., Ollivier, J., and Gabrielle, B. (2015) Modelling the nitrogen balance of tropical perennial crops: state of the art and challenges for oil palm plantations. In: Abstracts from the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. WE324. pp. 399-400. From: SETAC Europe 2015: 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: environmental protection in a multi-stressed world, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

Nelson, Paul N., Banabas, Murom, Huth, Neil I., and Webb, Michael J. (2015) Quantifying trends in soil fertility under oil palm: practical challenges and approaches. In: ACIAR Proceedings (144) pp. 60-66. From: Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 7-8 November 2013, Medan, Indonesia.

Webb, Michael J., Nelson, Paul N., Banabas, Murom, and Nake, Steven (2015) Soil acidification and indicators. In: ACIAR Proceedings (144) p. 43. From: Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 7-8 November 2013, Medan, Indonesia.

Bartley, Rebecca, Bainbridge, Zoe T., Lewis, Stephen E., Kroon, Frederieke J., Wilkinson, Scott N., Brodie, Jon E., and Silburn, Mark D. (2014) From coral to cows: using ecosystem processes to inform catchment management of the Great Barrier Reef. In: Proceedings of the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference. pp. 9-16. From: 7th Australian Stream Management Conference: catchment to coast, 27-30 July 2014, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Nelson, Paul N., Bessou, Cécile, Caliman, Jean-Pierre, Webb, Michael J., and Banabas, Murom (2014) Oil palm and soil fertility: challenges and approaches for sustainability. In: Abstracts from the National Soil Science Conference. From: National Soil Science Conference, 23-27 November 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Koci, Jack, Nelson, Paul N., and Rowlings, David (2014) Tropical dairy pasture yield and nitrogen cycling: effects of fertiliser rate and a nitrification inhibitor. In: Abstracts from the National Soil Science Conference. From: National Soil Science Conference, 23-27 November 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Huth, Neil I., Nelson, Paul N., Banabas, Murom, and Webb, Michael J. (2013) Understanding soil processes in oil palm plantations using an agricultural system model. In: Palminet Workshop Proceedings. From: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science 2008 Conference, 10-12 Feb 2008, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Nelson, P.N., Banabas, M., Webb, M.J., Sheaves, M., Huth, N., McNeill, A., Koczberski, G., Berthelsen, S., and Orrell, I. (2010) Environmental sustainability indicators for oil palm in Papua New Guinea – conceptual framework for a research and development project. In: Agri-environmental Indicators Workshop, associated with the 2nd International Conference on Oil Palm and the Environment (ICOPE). From: Agri-environmental Indicators Workshop, associated with the 2nd International Conference on Oil Palm and the Environment (ICOPE), 23-27 February 2010, Bali, Indonesia. (Unpublished)


Webb, Michael J., Nelson, Paul N., Bessou, Cécile, Caliman, Jean-Pierre, and Sutarta, Edy S. (2015) Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings: Proceedings of a Workshop held in Medan, Indonesia, 7–8 November 2013. ACIAR Proceedings No. 144 . Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra.

Nelson, Paul, Ham, Gary, Kingston, Graham, Burgess, Drewe, Lawer, Adam, Wood, Andrew, Christianos, Nev, Wilson, Peter, Grundy, Mike, Smith, Donna, and Hardy, Scott (2001) Diagnosis and Management of Sodic Soils under Sugarcane. CRC Sugar Technical Publication . Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Sugar Production, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Nelson, Paul (2000) Field Guide: diagnosis of sodicity and related problems of soil and irrigation water in the sugar industry. CRC Sugar Technical Publication . Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Sugar Production, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Masters, Bronwyn Leanne (2019) Nitrous oxide emissions from soil in mango and banana fields: effects of nitrogen rate, fertiliser type, and ground cover practices. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Goodrick, Iain (2018) Soil carbon dynamics under oil palm plantations. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jenberu, Getachew Agegnehu (2017) Biochar, compost and biochar-compost: effects on crop performance, soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical agricultural soils. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Kiup, Emma (2017) Maximizing nutrient utilisation and soil fertility in smallholder coffee and food garden systems in Papua New Guinea by managing nutrient stocks and movement. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Pardon, Lénaïc (2017) Modelling of the nitrogen budget of oil palm plantations to help reduce losses to the environment. Case study in Sumatra, Indonesia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Nake, Steven (2010) Potassium fixation and release in alluvial clay soils of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea: effects of management under oil palm. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Mitchell, David Clive (2005) Understanding the surface hydrology of low lying sugarcane fields for a basis of optimised surface drainage criteria. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Calvert, Gregor Alan (2001) The effects of cattle grazing on vegetation diversity and structural characteristics in the semi-arid rangelands of North Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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