Publications by: Caroline Chong
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Edwards, Will, Moles, Angela T., and Chong, Caroline (2015) Generalised extreme value distributions provide a natural hypothesis for the shape of seed mass distributions. PLoS ONE, 10 (4). e0121724. pp. 1-9.
Chong, Caroline, Edwards, Will, Pearson, Richard, and Waycott, Michelle (2013) Sprouting and genetic structure vary with flood disturbance in the tropical riverine paperbark tree, Melaleuca leucadendra (Myrtaceae). American Journal of Botany, 100 (11). pp. 2250-2260.
Chong, Caroline (2008) A riparian perspective on species ecology and evolution: Melaleuca leucadendra (Myrtaceae). PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Chong, Caroline, Edwards, Will, and Waycott, Michelle (2007) Differences in resprouting ability are not related to seed size or seedling growth in four riparian woody species. Journal of Ecology, 95 (4). pp. 840-850.