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Tom, Vana, King, Jemma C., and McBain-Rigg, Kristin E. (2024) Canine Support Program: Student perceptions and preferences at a regional university and implications for health, well-being, and student support enhancements. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35 (2). pp. 525-533.

Mewara, Abhishek, Gile, Gillian H., Mathison, Blaine, Zhao, Huan, Pritt, Bobbi, and Bradbury, Richard S. (2024) Lophomonas as a respiratory pathogen-jumping the gun. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 62 (1). e0084523.

Buonfrate, Dora, Bradbury, Richard S., Watts, Matthew FR., and Bisoffi, Zeno (2023) Human strongyloidiasis: complexities and pathways forward. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 36 (4).

Bradbury, Richard, Inagaki, Kengo, Singh, Gurbaksh, Agana, Urita, Patterson, Kayla, Malloch, Lacy, Rodriguez, Eduardo, Qvarnstrom, Yvonne, and Hobbs, Charlotte V. (2023) A Pilot Comparison of Fixatives for Hookworm Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 108 (2). pp. 335-339.

Shearer, Kirsty, Thomas, Matthew, Signal, Tania, Townsend, Ruth, and Stepanov, Nikola (2023) Undergraduate Ethics Education in Paramedicine in Australia. Journal of Academic Ethics, 21. pp. 377-392.

Beknazarova, Meruyert, Barratt, Joel L.N., Bradbury, Richard. S., Lane, Meredith, Whiley, Harriet, and Ross, Kirstin (2019) Detection of classic and cryptic Strongyloides genotypes by deep amplicon sequencing: A preliminary survey of dog and human specimens collected from remote Australian communities. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13 (8). 0007241.

This list was generated on Fri Dec 27 03:52:04 2024 AEST.